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    laptop motherboard ic details with image

    Abstract: 9 BITS VIDEO CAPTURE CARD vga 60fps camera module jpeg wavelet transform FPGA TMS320C6211 C6000 TMS320C6000 C6000 asm video SIGNAL CAPTURE CODEC in TMS320C6711 DSK
    Text: TMS320C6000 Imaging Developer’s Kit IDK User’s Guide Literature Number: SPRU494A September 2001 Printed on Recycled Paper IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at

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    Abstract: TMS320C5402 interface mcbsp and codec AC97 specification AC97 specification 2.3 SIGMATEL AC97 C5402 STAC9271 STAC9721
    Text: Application Report SPRA777 - November 2001 Interfacing AC97 Codec to TMS320C5402 Francis Kua TI Singapore CAC ABSTRACT This application report describes the use of TMS320C5402 DSP to interface to Sigmatel STAC9721 AC97 Codec. In the AC97 interface standard, the codec will supply a BITCLK to

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    Abstract: Turbo IC SPRU190 TMS320C6000 TMS320C6416 convolutional encoder interleaving probability distribution function
    Text: Application Report SPRA974 − November 2003 TMS320C6416 Coprocessors and Bit Error Rates Sebastien Tomas, Mattias Ahnoff, Patrick Geremia, Pierre Bertrand Wireless Infrastructure ABSTRACT The turbo and viterbi coprocessors TCP/VCP are programmable peripherals used to

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    Abstract: SPVU020 TMS34082 spvu032 B7AB TMS340 Texas Instruments 34010 TMS34020 emulator 9721 220 TMS34010
    Text: TMS340 Family C Source Debugger User’s Guide SPVU021A 2564010–9721 Rev. A September 1991 Printed on Recycled Paper Running Title 1-2 Chapter Title TMS340 Family C Source Debugger Reference Card Phone Numbers TI Customer Response Center CRC Hotline: (800) 336–5236

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    Abstract: 0X329 MPC555
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by: AN2192/D MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE Detecting Errors in the Dual Port TPU RAM DPTRAM Module by Jeff Loeliger Rev. 0, 10 September 2001 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1 Overview The integrity of the data in the dual port TPU RAM (DPTRAM) module, when it is in TPU emulation

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    Abstract: 8260l DUSLIC Infineon* bootloader PSTN MPC8260 MPC8260UM MSC8101 MSC8103 cat 6 patch panel 24 port
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor User’s Guide PTKITSOFTUG Rev. 1, 9/2005 Packet Telephony Development Kit Software The Packet Telephony Development Kit PDK is a platform for evaluating and developing voice-over packet applications. The PDK has an MPC8260 host network processor that runs Linux,

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    window comparator

    Abstract: TMS320C80
    Text: TMS320C80 MVP C Source Debugger User’s Guide 1995 Microprocessor Development Systems Printed in U.S.A., March 1995 D418004-9761 revision * SPRU107A TMS320C80 (MVP) C Source Debugger 1995 User’s Guide TMS320C80 (MVP) C Source Debugger User’s Guide SPRU107

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    Abstract: 297500 INTEL FLASH MEMORY DATASHEETS 28F016XD 28F016XS AB-62 AP-377 intel DOC intel application note ap- sram AP-348
    Text: E AB-62 APPLICATION BRIEF Compiled Code Optimizations for Flash Memories KEN MC KEE TECHNICAL MARKETING ENGINEER November 1995 Order Number: 292165-002 Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including

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    Abstract: TMS320 TMS32020 TMS320C80 SPRA063
    Text: Acoustic Echo Cancellation Algorithms and Implementation on the TMS320C8x Application Report 1996 Digital Signal Processing Solutions Printed in U.S.A., May 1996 SPRA063 Acoustic Echo Cancellation Algorithms and Implementation on the TMS320C8x David Qi Digital Signal Processing Solutions

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    Abstract: single chip osd Avia-500 AVIA GTX
    Text: BACK C-Cube Preliminary and Confidential Application Note Application Note 3 C-Cube Microsystems Design and Bringup Checklist AViA-500/502 MPEG-2 Audio/Video Decoder 1. Introduction This application note should serve as a handy checklist for the designer using

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    Abstract: 6713 SPRU266 SPRU401J pulse code interval encoding using c6713 pulse code interval encoding using c6713 timer 458 TIMER CIRCUIT COLLECTION B536 rld bh-16 SPRU401 TMS320C64xx cpu
    Text: TMS320C6000 Chip Support Library API Reference Guide Literature Number SPRU401J August 2004 Printed on Recycled Paper IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries TI reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any

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    Abstract: SPVU019 TMS34020 emulator SPVU001 SPVU020 B7AB TMS34082 stk 412 -420 working of IC 4017 TMS340
    Text: TMS340 Family C Source Debugger User’s Guide SPVU021A 2564010–9721 Rev. A September 1991 Printed on Recycled Paper Running Title 1-2 Chapter Title TMS340 Family C Source Debugger Reference Card Phone Numbers TI Customer Response Center CRC Hotline: (800) 336–5236

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    Abstract: TMS32020 TMS320C80 LMS adaptive filter NLMS Algorithm
    Text: Acoustic Echo Cancellation Algorithms and Implementation on the TMS320C8x David Qi Digital Signal Processing Solutions SPRA063 May 1996 Printed on Recycled Paper IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments TI reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any

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    Abstract: 0xB000FFFF
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by: AN2192/D SEMICONDUCTOR APPLICATION NOTE Detecting Errors in the Dual Port TPU RAM DPTRAM Module by Jeff Loeliger Rev. 0, 10 September 2001 1 Overview The integrity of the data in the dual port TPU RAM (DPTRAM) module, when it is in TPU emulation

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    Abstract: C6000 C6201 SPRU189 SPRU401 TMS320C6000 4116R 0x90FFFFFF ELER MCBSP EXAMPLE
    Text: TMS320C6000 Chip Support Library API Reference Guide Literature Number SPRU401 March 2000 Printed on Recycled Paper IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments and its subsidiaries TI reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinue any product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest

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    Abstract: TMS320C64xx cpu C6000 C6201 SPRU189 SPRU190 TMS320C6000
    Text: TMS320C6000 Chip Support Library API User’s Guide Literature Number SPRU401C October 2001 Printed on Recycled Paper IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries TI reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TMS320C80 MVP C Source Debugger User’s Guide 1995 Microprocessor Development Systems Printed in U.S.A., March 1995 D418004-9761 revision * SPRU107A User’s Guide TMS320C80 (MVP) C Source Debugger 1995 TMS320C80 (MVP) C Source Debugger User’s Guide SPRU107

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    eTPU Programming

    Abstract: eTPU pwm eTPU AN2821
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note AN2821 Rev. 1, 08/2004 eTPU Host Interface by: Ming Li Detroit Virtual Garage This application note shows how to build the host interface to access eTPU functions. The eTPU PWM driver is used as an example to illustrate what the host

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    window comparator

    Abstract: texas instruments ACT8997 bd-db TMS320C80
    Text: TMS320C80 MVP C Source Debugger User’s Guide 1995 Microprocessor Development Systems Printed in U.S.A., March 1995 D418004-9761 revision* SPRU107A TMS320C80 (MVP) C Source Debugger 1995 User’s Guide TMS320C80 (MVP) C Source Debugger User’s Guide SPRU107

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    "Flash Memory design"

    Abstract: Compilers, Linkers greenhills intel microsoft 28F160F3 28F800F3 AB-62 embedded microprocessors Intel AP-661 J*M Microtek
    Text: E AB-62 APPLICATION BRIEF Compiled Code Optimizations for Flash Memories December 1998 Order Number: 292165-003 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of

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    Abstract: TMS320C80
    Text: TMS320C80 MVP C Source Debugger User’s Guide SPRU107 March 1995 Printed on Recycled Paper IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments (TI) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any semiconductor product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest

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    Abstract: DIAB data
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Order this document by: AN2192/D Detecting Errors in the Dual Port TPU RAM DPTRAM Module by Jeff Loeliger Rev. 0, 10 September 2001 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 1 Overview The integrity of the data in the dual port TPU RAM (DPTRAM) module, when it is in TPU emulation

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    Abstract: XL-8137 weitek Weitek 3364 weitek 3164 Weitek xl-8136 wtl3364 CXNL 0x78F y2274
    Text: tilEIT EK CORP Tbb3ö2b O O O lS lö 11E D □ 3164/3364 64-BIT FLOATING-POINT DATA PATH UNITS T - W - H - o S November 1989 1. Features 64-BIT FLO A T IN G -PO IN T D A T A PA T H F U L L FU N C T IO N 64-bit and 32-bit floating-point and 32-bit integer multiplier

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    Abstract: weitek 3164
    Text: 3164/3364 64-BIT FLOATING-POINT DATA PATH UNITS November 1989 1. Features 64-BIT FLOATING-POINT DATA PATH FULL FUNCTION 64-bit and 32-bit floating-point and 32-bit integer multiplier Divide and square root operations Single-cycle pipeline throughput for the following

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