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    Abstract: 2SC4008 SC-75A
    Text: 2SA1635 2SC4008 Transistors Power Transistor —80V, —4A I 2SA1635 •F e a tu re s #A bsolute maximum ratings ( T a = 2 5 t ) 1 ) Low VcE(sai). (Typ. — 0 . 3 V at Ic / I b = — 2 /—0.2A) 2 ) Excellent DC current gain characteristics. 3 ) Pc = 3 0 W ( T c = 2 5 ‘C )

    OCR Scan
    2SA1635 2SC4008 2SA1635 2SC4008. O-220FP O-220 O-126 O-220, SC-75A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors BC847B NPN General Purpose Transistor I BC847B •Feature« •E x te rn a l dimensions Units : mm 1 > BVceo<45V (lc=1m A ) 2 ) Complements the BC857B. BC847B •P a c k a g e , marking, and packaging specifications Type BC847B Package Marking

    OCR Scan
    BC847B BC857B. 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, BC648B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DTA144VU A / D TA144VKA / D TA144VSA Transistors D TC 144V U A / D TC 144V K A / D TC 144V SA Digital transistor built-in resistors DTA144VUA / DTA144VKA / DTA144VSA I •Features •A bsolu te maximum ratings (T a = 2 5 t:) 1 ) Built-in bias resistors enable the configuration of an inverter

    OCR Scan
    DTA144VU TA144VKA TA144VSA DTA144VUA DTA144VKA DTA144VSA 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SA1900 2SC5053 Transistors Medium Power Transistor —50V, —1A 2SA1900 I • Features 1) ^Absolute maximum ratings (Ta—2 5 t ) L o w VcEfsat). (T y p .— 0 .1 5 V a t Ic/I b = — 5 0 0 /— 5 0 m A ) 2 ) Pc = 2W Parameter Collector-base voltage C otiector-emitter voltage

    OCR Scan
    2SA1900 2SC5053 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Digital transistors built-in resistors DTD123EK/ DTD123ES •F e a tu re s •E x te rn a l dimensions (Units: mm) 1 ) Built-in bias resistors enable the configuration of an inverter circuit 2 .9 ± 0 .2 DTD123EK + 1 1 0-2 1 .9 ± 0 .2 without connecting external input

    OCR Scan
    DTD123EK/ DTD123ES DTD123EK SC-59 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. PDF

    transistor PC 406 HM

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Digital transistors built-in resistors DTC143EE /DTC143EUA /DTC143EKA DTC143ESA •F e a tu re s 1) B uilt-in bias resistors enable the configuration of an inverter circuit w ithout connecting external input resistors (see the e quivalent cir­

    OCR Scan
    DTC143EE /DTC143EUA /DTC143EKA DTC143ESA DTC143EE 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, transistor PC 406 HM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Small switching 200V, 3A 2SK2887 •F e a tu re s 1) • E x t e r n a l d im e n s io n s (U nits: m m ) L o w o n -re sista n ce . 2) H ig h -s p e e d s w itc h in g . 3) W id e S O A (safe o p e ra tin g area). 4) G a te -s o u rc e v o lta g e g u a ra n te e d

    OCR Scan
    2SK2887 SC-63 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Digital transistors built-in resistors DTC123YE/ DTC123YUA/ DTC123YKA DTC123YSA •F e a tu re s 1) ►External d im e n s io n s (U nits: m m ) B u ilt- in b ia s r e s is to r s e n a b le th e c o n fig u ra tio n o f an in v e rte r c irc u it

    OCR Scan
    DTC123YE 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. 7020c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DTA115GUA / DTA115GKA DTC115GUA / DTC115GKA Transistors Digital transistors built-in resistors I DTA115GUA / DTA115GKA •Features •A bsolu te maximum ratings (Ta=25^C) 1 ) The built-in bias resistors consist of thin-film resistors with complete isolation to allow positive biasing of the input, and

    OCR Scan
    DTA115GUA DTA115GKA DTC115GUA DTC115GKA 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SC4137 2SC4774 / 2SC4713K Transistors High-gain Amplifier Transìstor I 2SC4137 •P e a tu re e 1 Low VcE Mt). (Typ. - 0 .2 V at lc/lB=50/5mA) 2 ) High DC current gain. •P a c k a g in g specifications and •A b s o lu te maximum ratings ( T a * 2 5 t )

    OCR Scan
    2SC4137 2SC4774 2SC4713K 50/5mA) 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Low-frequency Transistor 20V, 3A 2SD2150/2SC4115S/2SD2264 •F e a tu re s 1 ) • E x t e r n a l d im e n s io n s (U nits: m m ) LOW V cE(sat). VcE(sat) = 0.2V (Typ.) (Ic / I 2) b = 2 A /0 .1 A ) E x c e lle n t c u rre n t g a in c h a ra c te ris ­

    OCR Scan
    2SD2150/2SC4115S/2SD2264 96-237-C74) 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. 7020c PDF

    A2005 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Digital transistors built-in resistors DTC143TE /DTC143TUA /DTC143TKA DTC143TSA •F e a tu re s 1) B u ilt- in b ia s r e s is to r s e n a b le th e c o n fig u ra tio n o f an in v e rte r c irc u it • E x te r n a l d im e n s io n s (U nits: m m )

    OCR Scan
    DTC143TE /DTC143TUA /DTC143TKA DTC143TSA 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. A2005 transistor PDF

    Mosfet FTR 03-E

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Switching 500V, 10A 2SK2714 • F e a tu re s ►External dim ensions (Units: mm) 1 ) Low on-resistance. 2) ,+ 0 .3 1 - 0.1 High-speed switching. As+0-3 0.1 3) W ide SOA (safe operating area). 4) G a te -so u rce vo lta g e g u ara ntee d at V gss = ± 3 0 V .

    OCR Scan
    2SK2714 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. 7020c Mosfet FTR 03-E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SD2170 2SC4574 Transistors Medium Power Transistor Motor or Relay drive I 2SD 2170 •A b s o lu te maximum ratings (Ta=25"C ) •F e a tu re s 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) ) ) ) ) ) Built-in zener diode between collector and base. Z ener diode has low dispersion. Strong protection against reverse pow er surges due to low loads.

    OCR Scan
    2SD2170 2SC4574 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. 7020c TRANSISTOR D405 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2SB1335 2SD1855 Transistors I Power Transistor 60V, —4A 2SB1335 •F e a tu re s •A b s o lu te maximum ratings (Ta—2S'C) 1) L o w VcE(sat). (T y p .— 0 .5 V a t Ic/I b = — 3 / - 0 . 3 A ) Parameter Collector-base voltage C ollector-em itter voltage

    OCR Scan
    2SB1335 2SD1855 2SD1855. O-220FP 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Medium Power Transistor 32V, 0.5A 2SC2411K/2SC4097/2SC1741S •F e a tu re s 1 ) H ig h ►External d im e n s io n s (U nits: m m ) IcMax. 2SC2411K IcMax. = 0 .5 m A 2) L o w VcE(sat). O p tim a l f o r lo w v o lt ­ a g e o p e ra tio n .

    OCR Scan
    2411K 4097/2S 1741S 2SC2411K 2SC4097 I09503 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Low V c e s a t Transistor (-20V, -3A ) I 2SB1424 / 2SA1585S •E x te rn a l dim ensions (Units: mm) •F e a tu re s 1) LOW VcE(aat). 2SB1424 VcE(sat) = -0 .2 V (Typ.) 2SA1585S (Ic/ I b = - 2 A / - 0 . 1 A ) 2) Excellent DC curre nt gain charac­

    OCR Scan
    2SB1424 2SA1585S 2SB1424 2SD2150 2SC4115S. SC-62 SC-72 0Dlb713 -220FN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Digital transistors built-in resistors DTC144TE / DTC144TUA / DTC144TKA DTC144TSA • Features 1) • E x t e r n a l d im e n s io n s (U nits: m m ) B u ilt- in b ia s r e s is to r s e n a b le th e c o n fig u ra tio n o f an in v e rte r c irc u it

    OCR Scan
    DTC144TE DTC144TUA DTC144TKA DTC144TSA DTC144TE 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Digital transistors built-in resistors DTC363EU / DTC363EK / DTC363ES • F e a tu re s • E x te rn a l dim ensions (Units: mm) In a d d itio n to th e fe a tu re s o f re g u la r digital transistors, DTC363EU 2.0± 0.2 0 .9 ± 0 .1 13±0 1

    OCR Scan
    DTC363EU DTC363EK DTC363ES DTC363EU 600mA) SC-70 DTC363EK 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Digital transistors built-in resistors DTA123JE/DTA123JUA/DTA123JKA/DTA123JSA •F e a tu re s 1) • E x t e r n a l d im e n s io n s (U nits: m m ) B u ilt- in b ia s r e s is to r s e n a b le th e c o n fig u ra tio n o f an in v e rte r c irc u it

    OCR Scan
    123JK 123JS DTA123JE 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Digital transistors built-in resistors DTC123JE / DTC123JUA / DTC123JKA DTC123JSA •F e a tu re s 1) B u ilt- in b ia s r e s is to r s e n a b le th e c o n fig u ra tio n o f an in v e rte r c irc u it w ith o u t c o n n e c tin g e x te rn a l in p u t

    OCR Scan
    DTC123JE DTC123JUA DTC123JKA DTC123JSA 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Digital transistors built-in resistors DTA123EE/DTA123EU A/DTA123EKA/DTA123ESA •F e a tu re s 1) • E x t e r n a l d im e n s io n s (U nits: m m ) B u ilt- in b ia s r e s is to r s e n a b le th e c o n fig u ra tio n o f a n in v e rte r c irc u it

    OCR Scan
    DTA123EE/DTA123EU /DTA123EKA/DTA123ESA DTA123EE 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. 7020c AE015 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors Small switching 500V, 2A 2SK2715 •F e a tu re s •E x te rn a l dimensions (Units: mm) 1) Low on-resistance. 2) High-speed switching. 2 3) Wide SOA (safe operating area). 4) Gate-source voltage guaranteed at Vgss = ±30V . o +0.2 0.1 — 0.5±0.1

    OCR Scan
    2SK2715 SC-63 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP T0-220FP, O-220FP. 7020c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Transistors NPN General Purpose Transistor I BC848BW/BC848B/BC848C fF M tu ra t •E x te rn a l dimensions Units : mm 1 ) BV ceo< 3 0V (Ic — 1mA) 2 ) C om plem ents the BC 858B /B C858BW . BC848BW •P a c k a g e , marking and packaging specifications

    OCR Scan
    BC848BW/BC848B/BC848C C858BW BC848BW BC848B BC848C 0Dlb713 O-220FN O-220FN O220FP PDF