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    0Q172AI Search Results

    0Q172AI Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 7 segment display duplex led type TLR2399 TLR4363 TLR2369 TLR4393
    Text: j i~J TOITSSO TOSHIBA {D IS CRETE /OPT O} 99D 17284 9097250 TOSHIBA DISCRETE/OPTO) 0Q172ai DT-HI-B3 TLR2399, TLR4393, TLR2369, TLR4363 RED COLOR 4 DIGITS LED DISPLAY . For Duplex Drive connection • 18 mi (0.7") character height« each segment represents diffused and uniformly

    OCR Scan
    0Q175Ã DT-41-B3 TLR2399, TLR4393, TLR2369, TLR4363 03HWH HR2399 TLR2369 TLR4393 7 segment display duplex led type TLR2399 TLR4363 TLR2369 PDF