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    0EU86 Search Results

    0EU86 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: qml-38534 WE-128K32-300HQ 5962-9458504H4A WE128K32NP-15
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED E Added device type 06 for vendor cages 54230 and 88379. Added vendor cage 0EU86 for device types 01 through 06. Figure 1, changed case outline M to reflect package is available in either a single or dual cavity. -sld

    0EU86 0EU86. 0EU86 5962-9458504H4C qml-38534 WE-128K32-300HQ 5962-9458504H4A WE128K32NP-15 PDF

    transistor A016 SMD

    Abstract: 5962-9559507H9C 5962-9559506H9A qml-38534 WS128K32-15G2UQ ws128k32 5962-9559507HNA WS128K32-20G1U 128K32120 5962-9559506H9C
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED F Added device type 11. Added vendor CAGE code 0EU86 for device types 05 through 09. -sld 99-09-07 Raymond Monnin G Add note to paragraph 1.2.2 and table I, conditions. Add case outline 9. 00-04-06 Raymond Monnin

    0EU86 0EU86 transistor A016 SMD 5962-9559507H9C 5962-9559506H9A qml-38534 WS128K32-15G2UQ ws128k32 5962-9559507HNA WS128K32-20G1U 128K32120 5962-9559506H9C PDF


    Abstract: 5962-9461204HAA ACT-F512K32N-070F5Q 5962-9461202hxc qml-38534 5962-9461204H4C WF512K32F-150G4Q5 5962-9461202HYC ACT-F512K32A-150P7Q 5962-9461205HAA
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION D Corrected dimension D2 for case outlines U, X, and 4. Corrected dimensions D/E and D1/E1 for case outline Y. -sld E Added case outline 9. Added device type 05. Added vendor cage 0EU86 for device types 01 through 03 in the Standard Microcircuit

    0EU86 MIL-PRF-38534. 0EU86 AS8F512K32Q1-60 5962-9461204HAA ACT-F512K32N-070F5Q 5962-9461202hxc qml-38534 5962-9461204H4C WF512K32F-150G4Q5 5962-9461202HYC ACT-F512K32A-150P7Q 5962-9461205HAA PDF

    smd transistor marking A10

    Abstract: smd transistor marking A14 smd code A9 3 pin transistor marking code EA SMD Transistor wms128k8-15de WMS128K8-15 5962-89598 5962-9669105HXA qml-38534 0EU86
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A Added device type11. Change limits for ICC and ICCDR1 in table I. 98-06-22 K. A. Cottongim B Add: note to paragraph 1.2.2 and table I, conditions. Add device types 12 through 17. Add vendor CAGE code 0EU86. Add condition D to

    type11. 0EU86. 0EU86 smd transistor marking A10 smd transistor marking A14 smd code A9 3 pin transistor marking code EA SMD Transistor wms128k8-15de WMS128K8-15 5962-89598 5962-9669105HXA qml-38534 0EU86 PDF


    Abstract: 5962-8952404XA qml-38535 GDIP4-T28 64k x 4 sram 5962-8952405YA
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A Update document boilerplate. Add column for data retention to section 1.2.1. Convert case outline X reference to MIL-STD-1835. Add device types 06 and 07. Add CAGE codes 65786 and 0EU86 as sources of supply for device types 06 and 07. Editorial changes

    MIL-STD-1835. 0EU86 0EU86 5962-8952403XA 5962-8952404XA qml-38535 GDIP4-T28 64k x 4 sram 5962-8952405YA PDF


    Abstract: 1236qc qml-38534 wf512k32n ACT-F512K32N ACT-F512K32A-150P7Q 060P7Q
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION D Corrected dimension D2 for case outlines U, X, and 4. Corrected dimensions D/E and D1/E1 for case outline Y. -sld E Added case outline 9. Added device type 05. Added vendor cage 0EU86 for device types 01 through 03 in the Standard Microcircuit

    0EU86 0EU86 WF512K32-90G2Q5 1236qc qml-38534 wf512k32n ACT-F512K32N ACT-F512K32A-150P7Q 060P7Q PDF


    Abstract: 5962-9461109haa 5962-9461108HTA 5962-9461110HMA 5962-94611 AS8S512K32Q transistor A016 SMD QML-38534 5962-9461108HAA WS512K32-20G2LQ
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED F Figure 1; changed case outline M to be available in either a single or dual cavity package. Added vendor CAGE code 0EU86 for device types 05 through 10. -sld 99-04-22 K. A. Cottongim G Added device types 11 through 16.

    0EU86 0EU86 5962-9461110HTC 5962-9461109haa 5962-9461108HTA 5962-9461110HMA 5962-94611 AS8S512K32Q transistor A016 SMD QML-38534 5962-9461108HAA WS512K32-20G2LQ PDF


    Abstract: ACT-E128K32N-150F2Q 5962-9458505HMC qml-38534
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED E Added device type 06 for vendor cages 54230 and 88379. Added vendor cage 0EU86 for device types 01 through 06. Figure 1, changed case outline M to reflect package is available in either a single or dual cavity. -sld

    0EU86 0EU86. 0EU86 5962-9458509HMA ACT-E128K32N-150F2Q 5962-9458505HMC qml-38534 PDF


    Abstract: qml-38534 0EU86 smd 113c
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED C Added case outline Z. Corrected the true dimensioning table feature for case outlines U, X, and Y. -sld 98-08-13 K. A. Cottongim D Added case outline 9. Added vendor cage 0EU86 for device types 01 through 03 in the Standard Microcircuit Drawing Source Approval

    0EU86 0EU86 5962-9461403HZA qml-38534 smd 113c PDF


    Abstract: 5962-9161205M 8425 84256c 5962-9161205 qml-38535 5962-91612 cdfp1 MT5C1005C 5962-9161207MXA
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A Add 20 and 15 ns parts. Add M package. Add vendor 0EU86. Redrawn with changes. 95-11-29 M. A. Frye B Boilerplate update and part of five year review. tcr 06-11-01 Raymond Monnin REV SHEET REV B B B B B B

    0EU86. 0EU86 5962-9161205MXA 5962-9161205M 8425 84256c 5962-9161205 qml-38535 5962-91612 cdfp1 MT5C1005C 5962-9161207MXA PDF


    Abstract: qml-38534 ACT-F512K32N-070P7Q 5962-9461202H 5962-9461201HA 060P7Q
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION D Corrected dimension D2 for case outlines U, X, and 4. Corrected dimensions D/E and D1/E1 for case outline Y. -sld E Added case outline 9. Added device type 05. Added vendor cage 0EU86 for device types 01 through 03 in the Standard Microcircuit

    0EU86 MIL-PRF-38534. 0EU86 A1357 qml-38534 ACT-F512K32N-070P7Q 5962-9461202H 5962-9461201HA 060P7Q PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A Add figure 4. Technical changes to tables I. Change in terminal connections. Technical changes in 1.3, 1.4, and table II. Editorial changes throughout. mlp 1989 Aug 25 Michael A. Frye B Changes according to NOR 5962-R074-92

    5962-R074-92 CDFP4-F16. F16/883C 0EU86 qml-38535 PDF


    Abstract: 0EU86 qml-38535 CDFP4-F16 GDFP2-F16 GDIP1-T16 5962-8750101ea
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A Add figure 4. Change in terminal connections. Add subgroup 8 to Table II. Change vendor similar part number for case outline 2. Change IIL. Editorial changes throughout. mlp 89-03-07 Michael A. Frye B Changes to Table I and Table II and other changes per NOR 5962-R026-92.

    5962-R026-92. CDFP4-F16. 0EU86 10H515 0EU86 qml-38535 CDFP4-F16 GDFP2-F16 GDIP1-T16 5962-8750101ea PDF

    smd transistor gz

    Abstract: smd transistor code marking gz 11 smd transistor gz 59 5962-9318705HXa smd transistor code marking gz 45 qml-38534 ACT-S128K32C-017P3Q 120P2 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE a7 j 5962-9318708H4C
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A B Added device type 10. Redrew entire document. Corrected true dimensioning table and removed dimensions A2 and F in figure 1. Changed dimension A min from 0.185 inches to 0.180 inches for case outlines U and Y. Changes dimension A min from

    32-bit ICC32) 0EU86 smd transistor gz smd transistor code marking gz 11 smd transistor gz 59 5962-9318705HXa smd transistor code marking gz 45 qml-38534 ACT-S128K32C-017P3Q 120P2 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE a7 j 5962-9318708H4C PDF


    Abstract: QML-38535 MIL-PRF38535 5962-9754501QXA x16-Bit
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA A Updated boilerplate. Added device type 03 to drawing. Changed tAPW minimum limits from 75ns and 100 ns to the quantity tRP + tCK. Removed all references to nBSD from drawing. - glg 98-01-20 Raymond Monnin B Changes in accordance with NOR 5962-R071-98. - glg

    5962-R071-98. 0EU86 SMJ626162-15HKDM QML-38535 MIL-PRF38535 5962-9754501QXA x16-Bit PDF


    Abstract: MD27C040 SMJ27C040-15JM marking code a18 SMD ic CDIP2-T32 qml-38535 MD27C040-20/B 27C040 5962-9175204MXA AM27C040-150BUA
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A Update drawing to reflect current requirements. Editorial changes throughout. - gap 01-03-09 Raymond Monnin B Boilerplate update and part of five year review. tcr 06-10-03 Raymond Monnin REV SHEET REV SHEET

    0EU86 GDIP1-T32 MD27C040 SMJ27C040-15JM marking code a18 SMD ic CDIP2-T32 qml-38535 MD27C040-20/B 27C040 5962-9175204MXA AM27C040-150BUA PDF


    Abstract: qml-38535 5962-8750401EA CDFP4-F16 GDFP2-F16 GDIP1-T16 AS10H504F16
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED A Changes according to NOR 5962-R029-92. thn 91-11-22 Mionica L. Poelking B Changes according to NOR 5962-R130-93. tvn 93-04-12 Thomas M. Hess C Add package CDFP4-F16. Change document to current electronic format.

    5962-R029-92. 5962-R130-93. CDFP4-F16. 0EU86 5962-8750401XA qml-38535 5962-8750401EA CDFP4-F16 GDFP2-F16 GDIP1-T16 AS10H504F16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REVISIONS APPROVED DATE YR-MO-DA DESCRIPTION LTR M. A. Frye 94-03-24 Update document boilerplate. Add column for data retention to section 1.2.1. Convert case outline X reference to MIL-STD-1835. Add device types 06 and 07. Add CAGE codes 65786 and 0EU86 as sources of supply for device types

    OCR Scan
    MIL-STD-1835. 0EU86 MIL-BUL-103. MIL-BUL-103 S00470Ã DGQ134? PDF

    Ali 3601

    Abstract: 5962-9318710H4X 5962-9318706H4X WS-128K32-120HQ QML-38534 WS-128K32-17HQ
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED G Added device type 11. Added vendor cage 0EU86 for device types 05 99-08-27 Raymond Monnin _ through 09. -

    OCR Scan
    0EU86 Ali 3601 5962-9318710H4X 5962-9318706H4X WS-128K32-120HQ QML-38534 WS-128K32-17HQ PDF


    Abstract: QML-38534 ACT-E128K32N-250P7Q ACT-E128K32N-300P7Q marking H5A WE-128K32-140H1Q 5962-9458505H5C 128K32-150
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED E Added device type 06 for vendor cages 54230 and 88379. Added 99-05-14 K.A. Cottongim vendor cage 0EU86 for device types 01 through 06. Figure 1; Changed case outline M to reflect this package is available in either a

    OCR Scan
    0EU86 QML-38534 QML-38534. WE128K32N-120H1Q ACT-E128K32N-250P7Q ACT-E128K32N-300P7Q marking H5A WE-128K32-140H1Q 5962-9458505H5C 128K32-150 PDF


    Abstract: 5962-9559508HYA
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED F Added device type 11. Added vendor cage code 0EU86 for device 99-09-07 Raymond Monnin _ types 05 through 09. -sld_ _

    OCR Scan
    0EU86 95-07ermine QML-38534 5962-9559508HYA PDF


    Abstract: CY7C1048-45F CY7C1048 qml-38535 5962-95600 5962-9560003MXA smd marking code tm 5962-9560004MYA ed188512 EDI88512CA20N36B
    Text: REVISIONS LTR ] DESCRIPTION DATE APPRO VED YR-MO-DA A Change minimum limit of dimension Q for case outline T. Changes in accordance with NOR 5962-R 145-97. 96-11-27 Raymond Monnin B Add note 4 / to \ \ j\ _ q z ’ ^ D R ’ anc* *R 'n tab'e Add note 5/ to % |_qx.

    OCR Scan
    5962-R145-97. OEU86 TD0470Ã D032M4T GDIP1-T32 CY7C1048-45F CY7C1048 qml-38535 5962-95600 5962-9560003MXA smd marking code tm 5962-9560004MYA ed188512 EDI88512CA20N36B PDF


    Abstract: 5962-3829453MTa QML-38535 5962-3829410MYX 5962-R085-93 IDT7164L70L32B 5962-3829412MXA GDIP1-T28 5C640 UT6717685
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE YR-MO-DA APPROVED E Added chanaes in accordance with NOR 5962-R085-93 93-03-16 M. A. Frve F Added device types 45, 46, and 47. Removed CAGE code 34168 for case outline 8, and added cage code 34168 for case outline 9. Editorial changes throughout.

    OCR Scan
    5962-R085-93 S8015 0EU86 MN14-3c12 GD3LG21 ed18810 5962-3829453MTa QML-38535 5962-3829410MYX 5962-R085-93 IDT7164L70L32B 5962-3829412MXA GDIP1-T28 5C640 UT6717685 PDF


    Abstract: stc 1740 RAS 0510 SMD AH STC 5005 SMJ44C256-12JDM SMJ44C256-15JDM MT4C4256C 5962-9061708 SMJ44C256-80JDM
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION DATE yr-mo-da APPROVED A_ Changes in accordance with NOR 5962-R049-93._ 92-12-09_M. A. Frye_ B Updated boilerplate. Added device types 06-10. - gig 98-10-02 Raymond Monnin THE ORIGINAL FIRST PAGE OF THIS DRAWING HAS BEEN REPLACED.

    OCR Scan
    5962-R049-93. 0EU86 QML-38535 stc 1740 RAS 0510 SMD AH STC 5005 SMJ44C256-12JDM SMJ44C256-15JDM MT4C4256C 5962-9061708 SMJ44C256-80JDM PDF