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    samsung date code decorder

    Abstract: caller id IN4007 B2 caller id converter dtmf to fsk LM358 IN4007 SMB IN4007 caller id converter dtmf caller id converter fsk to dtmf lm358 sum
    Text: S3P7588X 4-BIT RISC MICROPROCESSOR USER'S MANUAL Revision 0 Important Notice The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely accurate at the time of publication. Samsung assumes no responsibility, however, for possible

    S3P7588X samsung date code decorder caller id IN4007 B2 caller id converter dtmf to fsk LM358 IN4007 SMB IN4007 caller id converter dtmf caller id converter fsk to dtmf lm358 sum PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CM25-10150-2E CONTROLLER MANUAL F2MCTM-8L 8-bit Microcontroller MB89210 Series Hardware Manual F2MCTM-8L 8-bit Microcontroller MB89210 Series Hardware Manual FUJITSU LIMITED Preface • Purpose of this document and intended reader We sincerely thank you for your continued use of Fujitsu semiconductor products.

    CM25-10150-2E MB89210 PDF


    Abstract: PC14 SAM47
    Text: S3C72M5/C72M7/C72M9/P72M9 Preliminary Spec 5 SAM47 INSTRUCTION SET SAM47 INSTRUCTION SET OVERVIEW The SAM47 instruction set includes 1-bit, 4-bit, and 8-bit instructions for data manipulation, logical and arithmetic operations, program control, and CPU control. I/O instructions for peripheral hardware devices are flexible and

    S3C72M5/C72M7/C72M9/P72M9 SAM47 11000011B) 01010101B) 10010110B) PC13 PC14 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Information This document contains information on a product under development. The parametric information contains target parameters that are subject to change. CN8472/8474 Multichannel Synchronous Communications Controller MUSYCC Product Description

    CN8472/8474 Bt8474 Bt8472 Bt8474) Bt8472) Inte55 TS63 PDF


    Abstract: microstepping L6203 microstepping L6506 ST L6203 application note ST L6201 application note ST L6219 application note l6219 microstepping L6506 example L297* application PBL3717
    Text: AN1495 APPLICATION NOTE MICROSTEPPING STEPPER MOTOR DRIVE USING PEAK DETECTING CURRENT CONTROL by Thomas Hopkins Stepper motors are very well suited for positioning applications since they can achieve very good positional accuracy without complicated feedback loops associated with servo systems. However their resolution, when driven in the conventional full or half step modes of operation, is limited by the

    AN1495 STEPPER MOTOR DRIVING, AN235, H. Sax microstepping L6203 microstepping L6506 ST L6203 application note ST L6201 application note ST L6219 application note l6219 microstepping L6506 example L297* application PBL3717 PDF

    IC 7106

    Abstract: IC1 723 N13T1 I431 telcordia
    Text: DEMO KIT AVAILABLE DS3100 Stratum 3/3E Timing Card IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES When paired with an external TCXO or OCXO, the DS3100 is a complete central timing and synchronization solution for SONET/SDH network elements. With two multiprotocol BITS/SSU receivers

    DS3100 GR1244, GR-253, IC 7106 IC1 723 N13T1 I431 telcordia PDF


    Abstract: KS57P5116 PC13 SAM47
    Text: KS57C5116/P5116 MICROCONTROLLER 1 PRODUCT OVERVIEW PRODUCT OVERVIEW The KS57C5116/P5116 single-chip CMOS microcontroller has been designed for high-performance using Samsung's newest 4-bit CPU core, SAM47 Samsung Arrangeable Microcontrollers . The KS57P5116 is a

    KS57C5116/P5116 SAM47 KS57P5116 16-kbyte KS57C5116. KS57C5116/P5116 64-pin TB575016A/TB575116A KS57C5116 PC13 SAM47 PDF

    IC 7106

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DS3100 Stratum 3/3E Timing Card IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES When paired with an external TCXO or OCXO, the DS3100 is a complete central timing and synchronization solution for SONET/SDH network elements. With two multiprotocol BITS/SSU receivers

    DS3100 GR1244, GR-253, freq64) IC 7106 PDF

    MSD 7816

    Abstract: magnetic card reader SCHEMATIC ATAR510 atmel 7 segment display driver BP60 BP71 memory card switch c6 vpp interface 7816 EEPROM memory controller magnetic card reader electrical diagram
    Text: ATAR510 Chip-card Reader Using ATAR510 Microcontrollers as Chip-card Balance Reader Features • Hardware – Low Current Consumption The Current Consumption Is Minimized Through the Power Consumption of the ATAR510 and by Activating the LCD Display Only On Request.

    ATAR510 ATAR510, MSD 7816 magnetic card reader SCHEMATIC atmel 7 segment display driver BP60 BP71 memory card switch c6 vpp interface 7816 EEPROM memory controller magnetic card reader electrical diagram PDF


    Abstract: REQ64 Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide 21554 Digital chip 21554
    Text: DIGITAL Semiconductor 2155x PCI-to-PCI Bridge for Embedded Applications Hardware Reference Manual Order Number: EC–R8WGA–TE Revision/Update Information: This is a new manual. Preliminary Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts

    2155x 2155X REQ64 Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide 21554 Digital chip 21554 PDF


    Abstract: UM97Z8X0104
    Text: Z8 Microcontrollers Instruction Descriptions and Formats Zilog 12.6 INSTRUCTION DESCRIPTION AND FORMATS ADC ADD WITH CARRY ADC Add With Carry ADC dst, src Instruction Format: OPC dst Cycles OPC Hex Address dst Mode src 6 6 12 13 r r r Ir src OPC src dst

    11110000B) 01111111B) 10001111B) 11110111B) 00000111B) 01101100B) 01101001B) UM97Z8X0104 1110B UM97Z8X0104 PDF


    Abstract: 80515 B158-H6579-X-X-7600 SAB 8155 p 8085 interfacing 8155 ram SAB 80C535-N equivalent Microcontroller Family SAB 8051 Pocket Guide adc interfacing with 8085 program microcontroller diode c0508 SAB 8155
    Text: Microcomputer Components SAB 80515/SAB 80C515 8-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Family User's Manual 08.95 SAB 80515 / SAB 80C515 Family Revision History: 8.95 Previous Releases: 12.90/10.92 Page Subjects changes since last revision 30 39 80 105 106 109

    80515/SAB 80C515 80C515 80C535 P-LCC-68 P-MQFP-80 80515 B158-H6579-X-X-7600 SAB 8155 p 8085 interfacing 8155 ram SAB 80C535-N equivalent Microcontroller Family SAB 8051 Pocket Guide adc interfacing with 8085 program microcontroller diode c0508 SAB 8155 PDF

    LSI CMOS Technology

    Abstract: SI 1340H FM24653 ISO-14001 S3C72K8 S3P72K8
    Text: S3C72K8/P72K8 4-BIT CMOS MICROCONTROLLER USER'S MANUAL Revision 2.0 Important Notice The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely accurate at the time of publication. Samsung assumes no responsibility, however, for possible errors or

    S3C72K8/P72K8 SEG23 SEG25 SEG27 SEG29 SEG31 SEG33/P5 SEG35/P5 SEG37/P5 40-Pin LSI CMOS Technology SI 1340H FM24653 ISO-14001 S3C72K8 S3P72K8 PDF


    Abstract: 78f0537 U17516EJxV0UM u17516ejx upd78f0537 RXB6 M-78F0148H
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid

    78K0/Kx2 78F0537 0080H 1080H 01111110B PD78F0537 78f0537 U17516EJxV0UM u17516ejx upd78f0537 RXB6 M-78F0148H PDF

    OCTALFALC - PEF 22558 E

    Abstract: PEF 22558 E PEF 22558 QuadFALC V1.3 QuadFALC 3.1 QuadFALC Version 3.1 smd marking mp vinetic application schematics P-LBGA-256 PEF22558
    Text: D a t a S h e e t , R e v . 2 . 0 , A p r . 2 00 5 O c t a l F A L C TM O c t a l E 1 / T 1 / J 1 F r a m er a n d L i n e In t e r fa c e C o m p o n en t f o r L o n g- a n d S h o r t - H a u l A p p l i c a t i o ns P E F 22 5 5 8 E , V e r s i on 1 . 1



    Abstract: 0345H 80C51 family programmer guide and instruction set
    Text: Philips Semiconductors 80C51 family programmer’s guide and instruction set 80C51 Family PROGRAMMER’S GUIDE AND INSTRUCTION SET Memory Organization Program Memory The 80C51 has separate address spaces for program and data memory. The Program memory can be up to 64k bytes long. The

    80C51 0345H 80C51 family programmer guide and instruction set PDF


    Abstract: ks57c2316 KS57C2308 SAM47 Remocon 558
    Text: KS57C2308/P2308/C2316/P2316 1 PRODUCT OVERVIEW PRODUCT OVERVIEW OVERVIEW The KS57C2308/C2316 single-chip CMOS microcontroller has been designed for high performance using Samsung's newest 4-bit CPU core, SAM47 Samsung Arrangeable Microcontrollers . With features such as LCD direct drive capability, 8-bit timer/counter, and serial I/O, the KS57C2308/C2316 offer

    KS57C2308/P2308/C2316/P2316 KS57C2308/C2316 SAM47 80-pin c2316 ks57c2316 KS57C2308 SAM47 Remocon 558 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Information This document contains information on a product under development. The parametric information contains target parameters that are subject to change. CN8472/8474 Multichannel Synchronous Communications Controller MUSYCC Product Description

    CN8472/8474 Bt8474 Bt8472 Bt8474) Bt8472) Inte55 TS63 PDF

    DIODE 310F

    Abstract: LED Panel Display Signal Theory 310f diode lcd cross reference LCD Panel Display Signal Theory rolling display using lcd snooze Z86L33 Z86L43 LCD and push button Interfacing
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE DIRECT DRIVE OF LCD DISPLAYS 1 USING THE Z8 MCU TO DIRECTLY DRIVE AN LCD DISPLAY SAVES MONEY AND SPACE FOR SMALL, LOW-COST APPLICATIONS. INTRODUCTION It is often necessary for small microprocessor-based devices to display status information to the user. If the

    01111011B 01001000B 01100111B 01101101B 01011100B 00111101B 00111111B 01101000B 01111111B 01111100B DIODE 310F LED Panel Display Signal Theory 310f diode lcd cross reference LCD Panel Display Signal Theory rolling display using lcd snooze Z86L33 Z86L43 LCD and push button Interfacing PDF


    Abstract: CB16 MX16 8051 opcode for three digit addition, subtraction
    Text: User’s Manual, V 0.1, Jan 2005 XC800 Microcontroller Family Architecture and Instruction Set Microcontrollers N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2005-01 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53, 81669 München, Germany Infineon Technologies AG 2005.

    XC800 xc800 CB16 MX16 8051 opcode for three digit addition, subtraction PDF


    Abstract: S3C72Q5 S3P72Q5
    Text: S3C72Q5/P72Q5 4–BIT CMOS MICROCONTROLLER USER'S MANUAL Revision 3.30 Important Notice The information in this publication has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely accurate at the time of publication. Samsung assumes no responsibility, however, for possible errors or

    S3C72Q5/P72Q5 50-Pin TB72Q5 AS50D-A) SM6305 TB72Q5 100-QFP FM24653 S3C72Q5 S3P72Q5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text:              The SAM47 instruction set is specifically designed to support the large register files typically founded in most KS57-series microcontrollers. The SAM47 instruction set includes 1-bit, 4-bit, and 8-bit instructions for data

    SAM47 KS57-series 11000011B) 01010101B) 10010110B) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U s e r 's M a n u a l < £ 2 iL G E Chapter 5 Z8 INSTRUCTION SET 5.1 Z8 FUNCTIONAL SUMMARY Z8 instructions can be divided functionally into the follow­ ing eight groups: • ■ ■ ■ Load Arithm etic Logical Program Control ■ ■ ■ ■ Bit Manipulation

    OCR Scan
    11110000B) 01111111B) 10001111B) 11110111B) 00000111B) 01101100B) 01101001B) PDF

    YLE relay

    Abstract: CN8471AEPF ebe switches CN8471AKPF CN8472AEPF CN8472AKPF CN8474AEPF CN8474AKPF CN8478 CN8478AEPF
    Text: Preliminary Information C a H E X A T This document contains information on a product under development. The parametric information contains target parameters that are subject to change. CN8478/CN8474A/CN8472A/CN8471A Multichannel Synchronous Communications Controller MUSYCC

    OCR Scan
    CN8478/CN8474A/CN8472A/CN8471A CN8478 N8478DSB YLE relay CN8471AEPF ebe switches CN8471AKPF CN8472AEPF CN8472AKPF CN8474AEPF CN8474AKPF CN8478 CN8478AEPF PDF