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    00BS7D0 Search Results

    00BS7D0 Datasheets Context Search

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    122d transistor

    Abstract: Si 122D 122d BLU11/Si 122D transistor 4312
    Text: bSE. T> 711002b 00bS7D0 47T M P H I N BLU11/SL PHILIPS INT ERN ATI ON AL U.H.F. POW ER TR A N S IS TO R N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor prim arily intended fo r use in mobile transmitters in the 470 MHz band. Features • multi-base structure and emitter-ballasting resistors fo r an optim um temperature profile.

    OCR Scan
    OT-122D) BLU11/SL 122d transistor Si 122D 122d BLU11/Si 122D transistor 4312 PDF