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    Gruber Industries Inc 17-607600-003FI

    Cat5e Patch Cable, USA, CMR, STR
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 17-607600-003FI Bulk 1
    • 1 $9.13
    • 10 $9.13
    • 100 $9.13
    • 1000 $9.13
    • 10000 $9.13
    Buy Now

    Gruber Industries Inc 17-608620N003FI

    Cat6 Patch Cable,DataMax,CMR,STR
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 17-608620N003FI Bulk 1
    • 1 $11.09
    • 10 $11.09
    • 100 $11.09
    • 1000 $11.09
    • 10000 $11.09
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    Gruber Industries Inc 17-608200-003FI

    Cat5e Patch Cable, USA, CM, STR,
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 17-608200-003FI Bulk 1
    • 1 $4.47
    • 10 $4.47
    • 100 $4.47
    • 1000 $4.47
    • 10000 $4.47
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    Gruber Industries Inc 17-608620-003FI

    Cat6 Patch Cable, DataMax,CMR, S
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 17-608620-003FI Bulk 1
    • 1 $6.82
    • 10 $6.82
    • 100 $6.82
    • 1000 $6.82
    • 10000 $6.82
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    Gruber Industries Inc 17-608600-003FI

    Cat6 Patch Cable, DataMax,CMR, S
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey 17-608600-003FI Bulk 1
    • 1 $5.95
    • 10 $5.95
    • 100 $5.95
    • 1000 $5.95
    • 10000 $5.95
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    003FI Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: motorola MRF515 radiosonde motorola MRF627 MRF905 MRF626
    Text: MOTOROLA SC C DIODES/OPTO} 34 DE |L.3t>75S5 003fi0Tl 1 34t 3 8 t m 3 6367255 MOTOROLA SC DIODES/OPTO ° SILICON RF TRANSISTOR DICE (continued) MRFC515 DIE NO. — NPN LINE SOURCE — RF502.83 This die provides performance equal to or better than that of

    OCR Scan
    003fi0Tl RF502 MRF515 MRF626 MRF627 MRF905 MRFC515 0V/100 motorola MRF515 radiosonde motorola MRF627 MRF905 PDF


    Abstract: 2N3693 MPS3694 SILICON SMALL-SIGNAL DICE SILICON DICE motorola mps3693
    Text: MOTOROLA SC {DIODES/ OP TO } 6 3 6 7 2 5 ^ _ MOTOROLA ~34 SC »F|b3t,7SSS 003fi01t, t> | ~ <D f O D E S / O P T O 34C 38016 SILICON SMALL-SIGNAL TRANSISTOR DICE continued) MPSC3694 DIE NO. — NPN LINE SOURCE — DEL235 This die provides performance similar to that of the following device types:

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    003fi01t, DEL235 2N3693 2N3694 MPS3693 MPS3694 MPSC3694 MPS3694 SILICON SMALL-SIGNAL DICE SILICON DICE motorola PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 5bE D • 7T5T237 003fi747 'SGS-THOMSON M M[EJOT(o *S S G TT7 ■ S G T H _ r-79T-//-/3 ETC5057 ETC5054 S-TH 0 nS0 N SERIAL INTERFACE CODEC/FILTER ■ COMPLETE CODEC AND FILTERING SYS­ TEM (COMBO) INCLUDING : . Transmit high-pass and low-pass filtering

    OCR Scan
    7T5T237 003fi747 ETC5057 ETC5054 16-PINS-ETC5057 16-PINSETC5054 DIP-20 DIP-24 DIP-28 PDF


    Abstract: NDL55 avalanche photodiodes
    Text: N E C ELECTRONICS INC b2E » • b427525 003fil3b 3T7 ■ NECE DATA SHEET NEC LASER DIODES N D L5520P , N D L5520P1 ELECTRON DEVICE 2 .5 Gb/s OPTICAL FIBER COM M UNICATIONS 0 5 0 //m InGaAs AVALANCHE PHOTO DIODE M M F MODULE DESC R IPTIO N N D L5520P and NDL5520P1 are InGaAs Avalanche Photodiodes especially designed for a detector o f 2.5 Gb/s optical fiber

    OCR Scan
    b427525 003fil3b L5520P L5520P1 L5520P NDL5520P1 L5520PC NDL5520P1C. L5516P: L5516P l5506 NDL55 avalanche photodiodes PDF


    Abstract: TP3057 ETC5054 ETC5054J ETC5057 ETC5057N TP3054 ETC5050
    Text: 5bE D • 7T5T237 003fi747 'SGS-THOMSON M M[EJOT(o *S S G TT7 ■ S G T H _ r-79T-//-/3 ETC5057 ETC5054 S-TH0nS0N SERIAL INTERFACE CODEC/FILTER ■ COMPLETE CODEC AND FILTERING SYS­ TEM (COMBO) INCLUDING : . Transmit high-pass and low-pass filtering

    OCR Scan
    ETC5057 ETC5054 16-PINS-ETC5057 16-PINS- 051to127 DIP-24 j034rniner 03clb70 ETC5057J TP3057 ETC5054 ETC5054J ETC5057 ETC5057N TP3054 ETC5050 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS 3886 Group 4\P so'"®9 S IN G L E -C H IP 8 -B IT C M O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R F LA S H M E M O R Y V E R S IO N DESCRIPTION • Power dissipation The 3886 group is the 8-bit m icrocom puter based on the 740 fa m ­ In high-speed m ode . 40 mW

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TM P47C635 CMOS 4-BIT MICROCONTROLLER TM P47C635N The 47C635 is based on the TLCS-470 CMOS series. The 47C635 has on-screen display circuit OSD to display characters and marks which indicate channel or time on TV screen, A/D converter (comparator) input, D/A

    OCR Scan
    P47C635 P47C635N 47C635 TLCS-470 The47C635 47C634. TMP47C635N SDIP54-P-600-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TMP47C446A C M O S 4-B IT M IC R O C O N T R O L L E R TM P47C446A D F The 47C446A is high speed and high performance 4-bit single chip micro computers, integrating LCD driver, the 8-bit A/D converter and watchdog timer based on the TLCS-47 series.

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    TMP47C446A P47C446A 47C446A TLCS-47 TMP47C446ADF QFP64-P-1420-1 TMP47P446VDF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES INC bSE D • ANALOG ► DEVICES DôlbôQQ DD3ÔQSD SbS ■ ANA Single Supply, Rail to Rail Low Power FET-lnput Op Amp AD822 FEATURES TRUE SINGLE SUPPLY OPERATION Output Swings Rail to Rail Input Voltage Range Extends Below Ground Single Supply Capability from +3 V to +36 V

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    AD822 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TM P47 C243/443 C M O S 4 - B IT M IC R O C O N T R O L L E R TMP47C243N, TMP47C443N TM P47C243M, TMP47C443M TM P47C243DM , TMP47C443DM The 47C243/443 are th e high speed and high perform ance 4 -b it single chip m icrocom puters, w ith 8 -b it A/D

    OCR Scan
    C243/443 TMP47C243N, TMP47C443N P47C243M, TMP47C443M P47C243DM TMP47C443DM 47C243/443 TLCS-470 TMP47C243N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: May 1992 PRELIMINARY Micro Linear ML4431 Servo Demodulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ML4431 provides all of the analog circuitry necessary for the demodulation of di-bit servo signal information in W inchester disk drives. It interfaces to the servo head preamp and provides quadrature

    OCR Scan
    ML4431 ML4431 1000ft, 680ft. bOT341fl I4431CQ PDF

    980202 remote

    Abstract: SI01DP automatic transfer switch mitsubishi
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS 38B5 Group íí'00' , ^ 0' > l > a S0!"aV SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT CMOS MICROCOMPUTER DESCRIPTION The 38B5 group is the 8 -bit microcomputer based on the 740 family • P W M . 14-bit X 1

    OCR Scan
    14-bit 16-bit 12-channel 10-bit \Kl-9602 980202 remote SI01DP automatic transfer switch mitsubishi PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS 3803/3804 Group SINGLE-CHIP 8-BIT CMOS MICROCOM PUTER DESCRIPTION • O perating tem perature ra n g e . -2 0 to 85°C The 3803/3804 group is the 8-bit m icrocom puter based on the 740 • Packages

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    64P4B 64-pin 64P6N-A 64P6Q PDF

    DA 3807 transistor

    Abstract: c 3807 transistor da 3807 HI 3520 stepping motor EM 326
    Text: ADVANCED AND EVER A D V A N C IN G ^ | JS U BI SH I ELECTRIC MITSUBISHI 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER 740 FAMILY / 38000 SERIES 3807 Group U se r’s Manual M IT S U B IS H I E LE C TR IC keep s a fe ty firs t in y o u r c irc u it d e s ig n s ! • M itsubishi E lectric C orporation puts the m axim um effort into m aking sem iconductor

    OCR Scan
    P81/DA4/AN12 P80/DA3/AN11 38073M4-XXXFP P65/DAVREF/AN10 P64/CM P63/CM DA 3807 transistor c 3807 transistor da 3807 HI 3520 stepping motor EM 326 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Z90102/3/4 4LDTC" C ustomerP rocurement Specification Z90102/90103/90104 40-PinLo w -CostDigital TEI£VISIONCONmOIJ^ 4IX TCM) FEATURES 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller for Consumer Television, Cable and Satellite Receiver _ Applications. ROM

    OCR Scan
    Z90102/3/4 Z90102/90103/90104 40-pin 40-Pin Z86227 22704P D03fl3Sc! PDF


    Abstract: HD6461OFP HM62256 HD64610 Hitachi Hd64610
    Text: L.1E T> m 44Tb204 0G3flb30 b24 •HIT3 H D 6 4 6 1 0 - HITACHI/ nCU/MPU C alendar C lo ck 1C Description v ss d 1 24 Z I H-START/STOP d 2 23 Z I ose ose The H D 64610 is a calendar clock IC providing calendar clock functions and an 8-bit static-RAM

    OCR Scan
    44Tb204 0G3flb30 HD64610- HD64610 HM62256 30-second MU-206S HD6461OFP HM62256 Hitachi Hd64610 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    AMP/40 50-60HZ corcom PDF

    1N5231 equivalent

    Abstract: motorola 1N750 1n4100 die 1n749 ZENER DIODE 3A10 MOTOROLA 1n746 mzc24a10 zener die diode 6A10 DIODE 0A10 diode
    Text: MOTOROLA SC {DIODES/OPTO} 6367255 MOTOROLA 34 SC DE|k3b7ES5 <D I O D E S / O P T O 0030130 4 3<fC 3 8 1 3 0 D T 'I h ô S SILICON ZEN ER DIODE DICE continued) MZG1.8 MZC10 DIE NO. thru LINE SOURCE — DZD200 CURRENT REGULATOR DIODE Die — MZC2.4A10 thru MZC10A10

    OCR Scan
    DZD200 MZC10 MZC10A10 MZC10B10 LE4623 1N4624 1N4625 1N4626 1N4627 1N4099 1N5231 equivalent motorola 1N750 1n4100 die 1n749 ZENER DIODE 3A10 MOTOROLA 1n746 mzc24a10 zener die diode 6A10 DIODE 0A10 diode PDF

    bd 3806 fs

    Abstract: TDA 3806 Y21T 38063M
    Text: MITSUBISHI MICROCOMPUTERS 3806 Group S IN G L E -C H IP 8 -B IT C M O S M IC R O C O M P U T E R DESCRIPTION •C lo c k generating c ir c u it . Internal feedback resistor T he 3806 group is 8 -b it m icro co m p u te r based on the 740 fa m ily

    OCR Scan
    H-DF047-C KI-9609 3806GRQUP bd 3806 fs TDA 3806 Y21T 38063M PDF


    Abstract: "SERIES MELPS 740" M38002M4-XXXSP "MELPS 740" M38002E2SP 80P6S-A IRE02 mitsubishi series 740 assembler MELPS 740 programming manual ScansUX59
    Text: P reface This user’s manual describes Mitsubishi’s CMOS 8bit microcomputers 3800 Group. After reading this manual, the user should have a through knowledge of the functions and features of the 3800 Group, and should be able to fully utilize the product. The manual starts with specifications

    OCR Scan
    p55/cntr, p54/cntr0 p53/int5 p52/int4 p10/ad8 p50/int2 p12/ad p47/src, p13/ad, P46/Sclk lp0001 "SERIES MELPS 740" M38002M4-XXXSP "MELPS 740" M38002E2SP 80P6S-A IRE02 mitsubishi series 740 assembler MELPS 740 programming manual ScansUX59 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: REVISIONS LTR DESCRIPTION C DATE Removed the min limit for dimension D of 2.880 inches 73.15 mm for case outline Z. -sld APPROVED (YR-MO-DA) 98-09-23 K.A. Cottongim REV SHEET REV SHEET REV STATUS OF SHEETS PMIC N/A STANDARD MICROCIRCUIT DRAWING THIS DRAWING IS AVAILABLE

    OCR Scan

    etri converter

    Abstract: "MELPS 740" MELPS 740 M37515 M37515M4-XXXHP MELPS 740 programming manual FFE81 S10STS MELPS-740 ScansUX59
    Text: Technical Reference Materials P r e lim in a ry — -• — This product is under aevelooing -* The specification m ay be m odified witnout any notice M 3 7 5 1 5 M 4 -X X X H P Specification R e v is io n A 1996 A u g u st, 23 M IT S U B IS H I E L E C T R IC C O R P O R A T IO N

    OCR Scan
    M37515M4-XXXHP M3751 etri converter "MELPS 740" MELPS 740 M37515 MELPS 740 programming manual FFE81 S10STS MELPS-740 ScansUX59 PDF

    marking P5t

    Abstract: m38022e4sp "SERIES MELPS 740" SERIES MELPS 740 USERS MANUAL transistor da 3807 M38022M4-XXXFP M38022M4-XXXSP capacitor 334 ceramic "MELPS 740" 80P6S-A
    Text: Preface This user’s manual describes M itsubishi’s CMOS 8bit m icrocom puters 3802 Group. A fter reading this m anual, the user should have a through knowledge of the functions and features of the 3802 Group, and should be able to fully utilize the product. The manual starts w ith specifications

    OCR Scan
    P53/SRDy2 P52/SClk2 P47/SRDY, P46/Sclkiâ P45/TxD P44/RXD P43/INT2 P42/INT, P40/INT4 P30/DA, marking P5t m38022e4sp "SERIES MELPS 740" SERIES MELPS 740 USERS MANUAL transistor da 3807 M38022M4-XXXFP M38022M4-XXXSP capacitor 334 ceramic "MELPS 740" 80P6S-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Z86C15 CP96KEY0603 CUSIOMERPROCUREMENlSPECMCmON Z86C15 CMOS Z8 8-Brr MCU K e y b o a r d O o n tr o ll er FEATU R ES ROM Kbytes RAM* (Bytes) I/O Lines Speed (MHz) Pin Count / Package n Six V ectored, Priority Interrupts from Six D ifferent Sources 4 236

    OCR Scan
    Z86C15 CP96KEY0603 0D36DfiS PDF