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    pico Technology SE002 TYPE K, AIR PROBE

    Type-K Thermocouple Air Probe; Accessory Type:Type K Thermocouple Air Probe; For Use With:Pico Technology Tc-08 Thermocouple Data Logger; Product Range:-; External Diameter:4.5Mm; Length:120Mm Rohs Compliant: Na |Pico Technology SE002 TYPE K, AIR PROBE
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Newark SE002 TYPE K, AIR PROBE Bulk 1
    • 1 $60
    • 10 $60
    • 100 $60
    • 1000 $60
    • 10000 $60
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    002TYP Datasheets Context Search

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    LM 6863 D

    Abstract: 0/LM 6863 D
    Text: — Robinson M ugsnt 50 Mil Connectors ~ ~ ~ With Power Ground Pin P50 Series * 20-100 position product * EMLB power/ground pins allow "hot board" replacement and discharge of static electricity * 2 amps/power ground pin * Low insertion/withdrawal force * Redundant ribbon contact design

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    c005371 LM 6863 D 0/LM 6863 D PDF


    Abstract: 8KX8-01 srm2064 8KX8-03
    Text: Iksi i CMOS 8KX8-01 CMOS 8KX8-03 ^ n a •■ 64K CMOS STATIC RAM g -J 02 VVORD X 8 BIT In tegrated C irc u its In co rp o ra te d 10301 W i I lo w s R o a d m R edm ond, WA 98052 206 882-3100 TW X 910-443-2302 - f c . - FEATURES: □ □ □ □ □ □

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    8KX8-01 8KX8-03 100ns TC5564 8KX8-01 srm2064 8KX8-03 PDF

    Z- FIO

    Abstract: dcp 4 z Z8038
    Text: Z I L O G INC 17E D T1ÖM043 DD1E0Ô3 T " T -S £ -3 3 -D 3 Z8038/Z8538 FIO FIFO Input/ Output Interface Unit October 1988 Features • 128-byte FIFO buffer provides asynchronous bidirectional CPU/CPU or CPU/peripheral interface, expandable to any width in byte

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    Z8038/Z8538 128-byte 16-bit 68-Pin 84-Pin Z- FIO dcp 4 z Z8038 PDF

    TDA 2025

    Abstract: Z80 CPU PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS LCC tda 2015 Z84C0006CMB TDA 2025 chip z84c0006 cpu Z80 CPU DIMENSIONS centrifuge machine for acceleration 84C0006 zilog z80 dynamic ram Application
    Text: ZILOG 9984043 ZILO G INC 03 DËJ 4 0 4 3 03E IN C IL ITA R Y 000044 2 5 | ~ 08442 ¿S, roduct S p ecification l : April 1988 Z84C00 CMOS Z80 CPU Central Processing Unit T - H q - n - o i FEATURES • The CMOS Z80 combines the high performance of the

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    Z84C00 000fi4b5 40-Pln Z84C0006CME Z84C0006CMB 84C00 TDA 2025 Z80 CPU PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS LCC tda 2015 Z84C0006CMB TDA 2025 chip z84c0006 cpu Z80 CPU DIMENSIONS centrifuge machine for acceleration 84C0006 zilog z80 dynamic ram Application PDF

    Z160 gpu

    Abstract: Z08001 zilog z160 zilog z16 Z160 z0800 ba1515 5 R 107 hj 4094 AD0-AD15
    Text: v Zilog i -pìì^ifiyi., i3g s««“ î!5ïg^ggs»»^: Product Specification Z160 CPU Central Processing Unit October 1988 FEATURES • Fully software compatible member of the Z8000 architecture. ■ Instruction set more powerful than many minicomputers

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    Z8000 32-bit 48-Pin 68-Pin 0070c 84-Pin Z160 gpu Z08001 zilog z160 zilog z16 Z160 z0800 ba1515 5 R 107 hj 4094 AD0-AD15 PDF


    Abstract: GE rcrt Z8000 Z8010-MMU 1s463 zilog z8001
    Text: ZILOG INC 17E D • 1^04043 G G i n i 4 T ii L i« « P ! R i P ;.^ rn.v^v^fiv'yfc n ii v in i"; P ro d u c tS p e c ific a tio n Z8010 Z8000 MMU Memory Management Unit October 1988 Features ■ Dynamic segment relocation makes software addresses independent of physical memory

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    Z8010 Z8000® Z8001 Z8003 68-Pin 84-Pin GE rcrt Z8000 Z8010-MMU 1s463 zilog z8001 PDF


    Abstract: z8000 microprocessor zilog Z8000
    Text: ZILOG 17E I NC D • TTÖ40M3 ~ ' Ÿ ¿ ¿ Ä lS ii 6 a t iä 6 i i i i i i S i i S 8 fe M 00in 30 6 ■ I- S Z - ^ - l ^ Z 8016 Z8000 Z-DTC Direct Memory Access Transfer Controller O ctober 1988 FEATURES ■ M em ory-to-peripheral transfers up to 2.66M bytes per

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    Z8000® 68-Pin 84-Pin Z8016 z8000 microprocessor zilog Z8000 PDF

    tba 180s

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 17E D ZIL06 INC • TJÄ4043 0G137Db S m il it a r y Z l l O g Z ' - p r o d u c t S ç e c liic a tio n ^ " ^ £ £ 0 ^ “T - q b ^ s October 1988 Z 8 0 3 8 /Z 8 5 3 8 M ilitary FIO FIFO In p u t/ O u tp u t Interface Unit FcaturM ■ 128-byte FIFO buffer provides asynchronous

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    ZIL06 0G137Db 128-byte Z8038/Z8538F10 Z0803804CM tba 180s PDF


    Abstract: static ram 32kx8
    Text: I K l 1 1 CMOS 32Kx8-03 256K CMOS STATIC RAM In te g ra te d C ir c u its In c o rp o ra te d 10301 W illo w s R oad R e d m o n d , W A 98052 206 8 8 2 -3 1 0 0 T W X 9 1 0 -4 4 3 -2 3 0 2 FEATURES: r M o n o lith ic D esign □ H e rm e tic a lly Sealed

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    32Kx8-03 32Kx8-03 SRM20256 static ram 32kx8 PDF


    Abstract: z8400a z80acpu TDA 120S Z80A CPU Z80A-CPU Zilog Z80A CPU TDA 2025
    Text: ZILOG INC DB dË | TTñUDMB DODflSMa 5 J~~ 9 9 8 4 0 4 3 Z I L O G INC 03E 0 8 2 4 2 Z8400 Military Z80 CPU Central Processing Unit 17; | ¿• U O y D ~r-W -n-oi Military Electrical Specification July 1985 FEATURES ■ The instruction set contains 158 instructions. The 78

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    Z8400 lfl4043 00Qfl2b3 40-PIN 44-PIN MIL-M-38510 Z8400CMJ Z8400ACMJ 40-pln 44-pln Z80 CPU PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS LCC z8400a z80acpu TDA 120S Z80A CPU Z80A-CPU Zilog Z80A CPU TDA 2025 PDF

    str 5 q 0765 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT

    Abstract: Z8581 Zilog Z8581 LG TDTC Z8000 CTS knights
    Text: 17E D ZIL06 INC • \ ^=104043 001217a T ■ T - S O '2 - 3 Z8581 Clock Generator and Controller October 1988 FEATURES ■ Two independent 20 MHz oscillators generate two 10 MHz clock outputs and one 20 MHz clock output. ■ Oscillator input frequency sources can be either crystals

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    ZIL06 001217a Z8581 Z8000, 18-pin 68-Pin 84-Pin str 5 q 0765 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT Zilog Z8581 LG TDTC Z8000 CTS knights PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .125" x .250" Wiremount Socket Discrete Wire Version, 50 Position Backplane Connector • Keying pinless shroud provides polarization • Optional 3485-1900 Junction Shell • Cover and body detail assist in discrete wire handling • Special holes secure pinless shroud to back panel

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    TS-0109-06 UL94V-0 3618-0XX0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Features aad Benefits Electrical B Sizes 4 to 80 circuits • High profile: .220" high Voltage: 250V Current: 3.0A ■ Stackable end-to-end on unbroken edges Contact Resistance: 15m£2 max. ■ Easy breakaway to smaller sizes ■ Drawn .025" square wire provides 4-sided smooth surface

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    PS-70216 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

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    6-32UNC-2B fujitsu\55556 05-May-2000 6-32UNC-2A PDF


    Abstract: Static RAM 2064
    Text: IK s l I In te gra te d C irc u its In co rp o ra te d 10301 W illo w s Road Redm ond, WA 98052 206 882-3100 TW X 910-443-2302 CMOS 8KX8-01 CMOS 8KX8-03 •/■ a ^ * i a ■ ■ 64K CMOS STATIC RAM g -JQ2 VVORD X 8 BIT a m FEATURES: □ Monolithic Design

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    8KX8-01 8KX8-03 100ns SRM2064 Static RAM 2064 PDF


    Abstract: RF2065 128X14 LT 7220
    Text: Zilog October 1988 D escription The Z7220A High-performance Graphics Display Con­ troller HGDC is an intelligent microprocessor peripheral designed to be the heart of a high-performance rasterscan computer graphics and character display system. Positioned between the video display memory and the

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    Z7220A 500ns 1024-by-1024 68-Pin 84-Pin RF2065 128X14 LT 7220 PDF


    Abstract: da7b
    Text: ZILOG INC 17E D • ^04043 □□12114 5 ■ Z8060/Z8560 FIFO Buffer Unit October 1988 FEATURES ■ Bidirectional, asynchronous data transfer capability. 3-state data outputs. ■ Large 128-bit-by-8-bit buffer memory. Connects any number of FIFOs in series to form buffer of

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    Z8060/Z8560 128-bit-by-8-bit 128-blt-by-8-bit 48-Pin 68-Pin 84-Pin Z8060 da7b PDF


    Abstract: z851
    Text: Z I L O G I NC 17E D • =HfiMÜ43 G01 2 1 3 7 b ZS516/Z9516 DMA Transfer Controller DTC October 1988 FEATURES Optional automatic chaining of operations ■ Two independent multi-function channels ■ Transfer Modes: single, demand dedicated with bus hold, demand dedicated with bus release, demand

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    ZS516/Z9516 68-Pin 84-Pin Z8000 z851 PDF


    Abstract: CIP 8D Z8068
    Text: ZILOG INC 17E D • ^=104043 G0121S1 2 T " - 5 2 .- 3 > 'n Z80G8/Z9518 Z-DCP Data Ciphering Processor October 1988 F eatu res ■ En cryp ts and d ecryp ts data using the N atio n al B u reau of Stan d ard s en cryp tio n algo rithm . se cu rity and throughput b y elim in atin g fre ­

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    G0121S1 Z80G8/Z9518 68-Pin 84-Pin 393S CIP 8D Z8068 PDF

    z8000 microprocessor zilog

    Abstract: TDA 2020 Application zilog z8001 lc38a z8010 SNV 2020 Z3001
    Text: ZILOG INC 17E D •^04043 DD11Ö71 1 ' J i P V À N C E D :ÏN E O R M A T IO N ^ r o d u ^ ^ p e c ific a tio n T . q 01. n - 0 7 Z3001 / Z8002® Z 8000C PU Central Processing Unit October 1988 FEATURES ■ Regular, easy-to-use architecture ■ Instruction set more powerful than many m inicomputers

    OCR Scan
    Z3001® Z8002® 8000C 32-bit 68-Pin 84-Pin z8000 microprocessor zilog TDA 2020 Application zilog z8001 lc38a z8010 SNV 2020 Z3001 PDF

    Robinson Nugent 100-pin

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: RN PAK-50 Gz&D- SOCKETS Straight P50-XXXSG-XX-TGF l .u I n iT iir i •- f .225 fie f SECTION X-X No. of Contacts A B D E F 20 1.001 25.43 0.800 (20.32) 0.722 (18.33) 0.607 (15.42) 0.529 (13.44) 0.450 (11.43) 30 1.251 (31.78) 1.050 (26.67) 0.972

    OCR Scan
    PAK-50® DP50-XXXSG-XX-TGF 002TYP. Robinson Nugent 100-pin PDF


    Abstract: Z85C3008CMB z85c3008cme
    Text: Zilog f PR ELI MINA FI Y Military P ro d u ct S p e c ific a tio n April 1988 Z80C30 CMOS Z-BUS SCC/ Z85C30 CMOS SCC Serial Communications Controller Features • Low power CMOS. ■ Pin compatible to NMOS versions. ■ Two independent, 0 to 2.5M bit/second, full-duplex

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    Z80C30 Z85C30 Z85C3006CMB Z85C3008CMB z85c3008cme PDF


    Abstract: z603
    Text: ZI LO G INC 17E D • G012004 1 U ^34043 Z8030 Z-BUS SCC/ Z8530 SCC Serial Communications Controller October 1987 Features ■ Two independent, 0 to 2M bit/second, fullduplex channels, each with a separate crystal oscillator, baud rate generator, and Digital

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    G012004 Z8030 Z8530 68-Pin 84-Pin E0823 z603 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Z I L0 <5 I N C ’ Q3 D m 1 T A M D M 3 OOOfllflO =1 O Z I L r Z8036 Military Z8000^ Z-CIO Counter/Timer _ and Parallel I/O Unit T “ 5 2 ~ 3 3 " Military Electrical Specification ¿ iliU V j July 1985 FEATURES • Two independent 8-bit, double-buffered, bidirectional I/O

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    Z8036 Z8000^ IEEE-488) 16-vector 16-bit 44-Pln T-52-33-05 40-PIN 44-PIN PDF