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    001AAM663 Search Results

    001AAM663 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NXP GreenChip lighting driver ICs UBA2026x & UBA2027x Deep-dimming CFL driver ICs with boost function These dimmable CFL drivers and power ICs, based on NXP’s proven GreenChip technology, enable next-generation dimmable CFLs that deliver incandescent dimming performance

    UBA2026x UBA2027x UBA2026x UBA2027x 001aam663 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UBA20270 600 V Driver IC for dimmable compact fluorescent lamps Rev. 1 — 16 August 2011 Preliminary data sheet 1. General description The UBA20270 is a high-voltage power IC intended to control higher powered self ballasted Compact Fluorescent Lamp CFL lighting applications. The UBA20270 is a

    UBA20270 UBA20270 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UBA20270 600 V Driver IC for dimmable compact fluorescent lamps Rev. 2 — 8 September 2011 Product data sheet 1. General description The UBA20270 is a high-voltage power IC intended to control higher powered self ballasted Compact Fluorescent Lamp CFL lighting applications. The UBA20270 is a

    UBA20270 UBA20270 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UBA20270 600 V Driver IC for dimmable compact fluorescent lamps Rev. 2 — 8 September 2011 Product data sheet 1. General description The UBA20270 is a high-voltage power IC intended to control higher powered self ballasted Compact Fluorescent Lamp CFL lighting applications. The UBA20270 is a

    UBA20270 UBA20270 PDF