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    001713B Search Results

    001713B Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •■ b S M 'ìflS 'ì 0G 17134 T77 MITSUBISHI RF POWER MODULE ■ M 5 7 7 1 5 144-148MHZ, 12.5V, 13W, FM MOBILE RADIO BLOCK DIAGRAM PIN : ©Pin @VCCI VCC 2 ®P0 ®GND @> : RF INPUT : 1st. DC SUPPLY : 2nd. DC SUPPLY : RF OUTPUT : FIN ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Tc = 25 “C unless otherwise noted

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    144-148MHZ, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Power F-MOS FET 2SK1035 2SK1035 Silicon N-channel Power F-MOS FET Package Dimensions • Features • Low ON resistan ce R ds on : (on) = 0 .2 ft (typ.) R ds Unit: mm • High sw itching ra te : tr= 100ns (typ.) • No secondary breakdow n • Low voltage drive is possible

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    2SK1035 100ns DQ1713S 001713b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6389_ 1,048,576-WORD X 1-BIT SOLID STATE RECORDER DATA REGISTER GENERAL DESCRIPTION MSM6389 is a solid state recorder data regis­ ter in 1,048,576 words x 1 bit configuration. the direction of words is possible by an exter­

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    MSM6389_ 576-WORD MSM6389 18-pin MSM6389s 2424Q 0D17141 PDF

    bb 9790 schematic diagram

    Abstract: DIGITAL GATE EMULATOR USING 8085 TDA 1006 equivalents ami equivalent gates verilog code motor 04S75 M6845 TDB 2915 KM AMI8G34S AMI8G28S
    Text: Libraiy Characteristics AMERICAN MICROSYSTEMS INC. AMI8G 0.8 micron CMOS Gale Array AMI’s “AMI8Gx” series of 0.8|im gate arrays exploits a proprietary power grid and track routing architecture on a compact, channelless, sea-of-gates design to provide one

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    32-bits. MG65C02, MG29C01, MG29C10, MG80C85, MG82Cxx, MGMC51 Q172SÖ AMI86 DD17SbD bb 9790 schematic diagram DIGITAL GATE EMULATOR USING 8085 TDA 1006 equivalents ami equivalent gates verilog code motor 04S75 M6845 TDB 2915 KM AMI8G34S AMI8G28S PDF


    Abstract: DSP16A 0ILD1 F3L3 WL-160 AB14 DSP1616 DSP1617 D0171 XLXXX
    Text: Data Sheet May 1995 = = A T & T Microelectronics DSP1617 Digital Signal Processor 1 Features 2 Description • Designed specifically for low-power applications in digital cellular systems, the DSP1617 is a signal coding device that can be programmed to perform a

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    DSP1617 DSP1617 100-Pin 5002b 100BQFP DSP16A 0ILD1 F3L3 WL-160 AB14 DSP1616 D0171 XLXXX PDF


    Abstract: MSM6389 MSM6588
    Text: OKI Semiconductor MSM6389_ 1,048,576-WORD X 1-BIT SOLID STATE RECO RD ER DATA REGISTER GENERAL DESCRIPTION MSM6389 is a solid state recorder data regis­ ter in 1,048,576 words x 1 bit configuration. the direction of words is possible by an exter­

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    MSM6389_ 576-WORD MSM6389 MSM6389S b724240 DD171M1 MSM6388 MSM6588 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet May 1995 = = A I& I Microelectronics DSP1617 Digital Signal Processor 1 Features 2 Description • Designed specifically for low-power applications in digital cellular systems, the DSP1617 is a signal coding device that can be programmed to perform a

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    DSP1617 DSP1600 DSP1617 100-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN4915A CMOS LSI LC35256AM, AT-10LV/12LV/15LV No. 4915A 256K 32768 words x 8 bits SRAM with OE and CE Control Pins Overview The LC35256AM, AT-10LV/12LV/15LV are asynchro­ nous silicon-gate CMOS SRAMs with a 32K-word by 8-b it organization and a 6-tran sisto r structure

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    EN4915A LC35256AM, AT-10LV/12LV/15LV AT-10LV/12LV/15LV 32K-word LC35256AM AT-10LV /12LV/15LV LC35256AM1 PDF

    STM CL-70

    Abstract: pvga1a paradise pvga1a SCHEMATIC ATI graphics card PARADISE PVGA1AJK 22A15 pvga1aj SCHEMATIC mda VGA pvga1
    Text: WESTERN DIGITAL CORR SflE » • R71fl22fi GG178bl b*45 M U V C PVGA1A Paradise Video Graphics Array FEATURES: • • • Provides single Chip Video Graphics Solution for IBMt PCt / XT / ATt and Personal System/2t compatible systems 100% hardware compatible with IBM’s VGA

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    R71fl22fi GG178bl PDS100900 171fl22fl 40MHz PVGA1A-JK03 RAS10N, RAS32N, CAS32N, OE32N, STM CL-70 pvga1a paradise pvga1a SCHEMATIC ATI graphics card PARADISE PVGA1AJK 22A15 pvga1aj SCHEMATIC mda VGA pvga1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B EE D • ô23b32Q Q017131 T « SIP PNP Silicon Switching Transistors _ S IE M E N S / SPCLi BSS 80 BSS 82 T ' SEM ICO N D S _ High D C current gain Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Complementary types: B S S 79, B S S 81 NPN Type BSS

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    23b32Q Q017131 Q62702-S398 Q62702-S399 Q62702-S409 Q62702-S408 Q62702-S557 Q62702-S492 Q62702-S560 Q62702-S482 B80C PDF


    Abstract: MARKING MON sot-23 sot-23 MARKING CODE G1 43t SOT23 72t sot-23 sot-23 72t marking 43T mon marking sot-23
    Text: Thnl mL'/ÏM HP AECWKLAERTDT Surface Mount PIN Diodes Technical Data HSMP-38XX and HSMP-48XX Series Features • Diodes Optimized for: Low Current Switching Low Distortion Attenuating Ultra-Low Distortion Switching Microwave Frequency Operation • Surface Mount SOT-23

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    HSMP-38XX HSMP-48XX OT-23 5091-6211E 5091-9184E 72T MARKING CODE MARKING MON sot-23 sot-23 MARKING CODE G1 43t SOT23 72t sot-23 sot-23 72t marking 43T mon marking sot-23 PDF


    Abstract: transistor et 454 TRANSISTOR BJ 131 TA7337A 2N6033 2N6033 RCA tektronix 454 2N6032 equivalent 2N6032 TA733
    Text: 2N6032, 2N6033 File Number 462 High-Current, High-Speed High-Power Transistors T E R M I N A L D E S IG N A T IO N S c Silicon N-P-N Types for High-Speed Switching and Linear-Amplifier Applications In Military, Industrial and Commercial Equipment Futur««:

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    2N6032, 2N6033 DD17134 2N6033) 2N6032) TQ-204AE RCA-2N6032 2N6033* 2N6033 2N6032; TA7337 transistor et 454 TRANSISTOR BJ 131 TA7337A 2N6033 RCA tektronix 454 2N6032 equivalent 2N6032 TA733 PDF

    WE VQE 23 F

    Abstract: AT12L WE VQE 23 E
    Text: Ordering number : EN4915A SA\YO _ , CMOS LSI LC35256AM, AT-10LV/12LV/15LV No. 4915A 256K 32768 words x 8 bits SRAM with OE and CE Control Pins J Overview The LC35256AM, AT-10LV/12LV/15LV are asynchro­ nous silicon-gate CMOS SRAMs with a 32K-word by 8 -b it organization and a 6-transistor structure

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    EN4915A LC35256AM, AT-10LV/12LV/15LV 32K-word WE VQE 23 F AT12L WE VQE 23 E PDF