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    IAC Industries Inc QS-1000015-BL

    Workbench, Eze Blue, 96 X 36"; Length:96"; Width:36"; Height:36"; Product Range:Workmaster Series Rohs Compliant: Na |Iac Industries QS-1000015-BL
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Newark QS-1000015-BL Bulk 1
    • 1 $1216
    • 10 $1216
    • 100 $1216
    • 1000 $1216
    • 10000 $1216
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    TestEquity LLC QS-1000015-BL
    • 1 $1216
    • 10 $1216
    • 100 $1216
    • 1000 $1216
    • 10000 $1216
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    000015B Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: MC56F8037 CH1837A BSS 97 NV 15F v.8bis XE0092 56F8323 56F8346 56F8357
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Application Note Document Number: AN3607 Rev. 0, 4/2008 A Low-Cost Soft Modem Using the Freescale Digital Signal Controller MC56F802x/3x Series Using On-Chip ADC and DAC by: John L. Winters Systems and Applications Engineering Tempe, Arizona, USA

    AN3607 MC56F802x/3x 22bis 56F802x/3x 56F8037 MC56F8037 CH1837A BSS 97 NV 15F v.8bis XE0092 56F8323 56F8346 56F8357 PDF

    magnum microwave

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NAGNUN MICROWAVE 4 flE CORP » m 5725730 • i '- f * 1 i 000015b 1 SB MHC tt7'v:\ yinz,.: Jizmm '¿iirti-m „t ,! ! s Il ■ r ■ i ■ f 1 i " 5 Phase-Locked DRO Characteristics The Magnum lir.e of Phase-locked Dielectric Resonator DESCRIPTION Oscillators consists of the following series:

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    000015b magnum microwave PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TEKELEC bflE COMPONENTS 1 TDD37Û7 000015b T3S DOUBLE BALANCED MIXERS Package Type Modeln* Relay Header F56666 ! RF BMH 158 5 - 2000 MHz IF 10 - 600 MHz LO Level 7 dBm T em perature range - 5 5 / 100°C min max units Total inp ut p o w e r T = 25°C 20 dBm

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    TDD37 000015b F56666 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 37E D SANSHA ELECTRIC MFG CO THYRISTOR 7*^1243 m . C 000015b ISEMJ 1 T - z s '- n For general phase control applications such as speed controls, light controls and welders etc. • • • • • /0 3 r General power use It=40A, I tirmsi= 6 2 A High voltage up to 1200V

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    000015b SC40C F-80-1Rth F-80-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BIOTEC ELECTRONICS CORP SflE D • 2 f l i m D 7 DD0D1S5 E l b « D I X DIOTEC ELECTRON ICS CORP. 18020 Hobart Blvd., Unit B Gardena, CA 90248 Tel.: 310 767-1052 Fax: (310)767-7958 Data Sheet No.: FSDP-101-A 0 'S - 1 !> 1 AMP FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODES

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    FSDP-101-A DO-41 MIL-STD-202, DB25/T DB25/W DB25P/T DB25P/W O-220 O-247) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ^ STARTECH ST16C2450 An 25? EXflRCompany Printed August 3,1995 DUAL UNIVERSAL ASYNCHRONOUSRECEIVER/TRANSMITTER DESCRIPTION PLCC Package The ST16C2450 is a dual universal asynchronous receiverand transmitter. Independent programmable baud rate generators are provided to select transmit

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    ST16C2450 ST16C2450 NS16C450 162450-RD-1 162450-WD-1 lQQ440fci PDF

    rca 036

    Abstract: C30957E photodiode demodulation
    Text: £ I G t & G/CANADA/OPTOELEK c / 3D30bl0 OOGGISS SbM H C A N A ID Photodiode C30957E DATA SHEET Optics l T - W n-Type Silicon p-i-n Photodetector • Detector Chip Close to Window ■ Low Operating Voltage — VR = 45 V ■ Anti-Reflection Coated to Enhance Responsivity at 900 nm

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    3030bl0 C30957E C30957E ED-0032/10/88 rca 036 photodiode demodulation PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 30 . 03.98 LHI 1448 • Twin Type Detector • Two Inter-Digitated Pairs • Equal Polarity Pairs 4.2 The twin detector is designed and suited for motion detection devices using intelligent signal processing to ensure better, and more reliable performance. Two inter-digitated pairs of sensing

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    3-10Hz T003320 000015b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Fast recovery bridge rectifiers. 8 Amps, to 15 Amps. The plastic material carries U/L recognition 94V-0. Maximum Average Input Max. Recurrent Max. Peak Forward Rectified Voltage Peak Reverse Forward Surge Current Recommended Voltage Current TYPE 1f AV> Tc

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    FBR800 FBR801 FBR802 FBR804 FBR806 FBR808 FBR810 FBR1500 FBR1501 FBR1502 PDF

    Melcher fcr 6-1212-6

    Abstract: 12 cr 6-1212-6 fcr 6-1515-6 FCR 6-1212-6 and application notes melcher, uster, switzerland Melcher fcr 6-1515-6 Melcher M 2000 MELCHER FCR 6-1205-6 24-CR melcher am 1000 dc-dc 12v
    Text: MELCHER INC G3 D E | STVSDbS G0001S1 M m g&— =1 | "7^57-/ „ ,ff , ' MELCHER AG, Ackerstrasse 56, CH-8610 Uster, Switzerland Telefon 01/944 8111, Telex 828 554 meus ch, Fax 01/940 98 58 6-Watt-DC-DC-Converter Dual output voltage Families f j -i . v r I

    OCR Scan
    G0001S1 CH-8610 Melcher fcr 6-1212-6 12 cr 6-1212-6 fcr 6-1515-6 FCR 6-1212-6 and application notes melcher, uster, switzerland Melcher fcr 6-1515-6 Melcher M 2000 MELCHER FCR 6-1205-6 24-CR melcher am 1000 dc-dc 12v PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CIRRUS LOGIC INC/ PIXEL bSE D •ÌDD33bM □ □□OQf33 TZfl ■ PIXL CL-PX2070 Pixel Semiconductor Preliminary Data Book A C irru s L o g ic C o m p a n y APPLICATIONS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Presentation Video Editing Video Authoring Video Teleconferencing

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    DD33bM OQf33 CL-PX2070 CL-PX2070 PDF

    xo 405 mf

    Abstract: CH9081 cystal
    Text: CH9081 CHRONTEL MPEG Playback Clock Generator Features Description • Generates preset M PU and AUDIO CLK frequencies, 3 fixed-frequency clocks, and buffers the input reference frequency • Supports all frequency requirements for MPEG playback CH9081 is a triple PLL clock generator designed for

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    CH9081 24-pin CH9081A 27MHz CH9081A-S CH9081A-S-L xo 405 mf cystal PDF


    Abstract: FZJ 131 FZJ 141 ST62TIo JRC 022 JRC 082 PDIP20 PDIP28 PS020 ST62E20
    Text: r Z T S C S -T H O M S O N *J M , SâlD g»i[LIi(ê«S ill(êê ST62T10, T15, T20, T25 ST62E20, E25 8-BIT OTP/EPROM MCUs WITH A/D CONVERTER • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 3.0 to 6.0V Supply Operating Range 8 MHz Maximum Clock Frequency

    OCR Scan
    ST62TIo, ST62E20, 6210BB6/XXX PDIP20 ST6220BB1/XXX ST6220BB6/XXX ST6210BM1/XXX 6210BM6/XXX PS020 ST6220BM1 st62ti FZJ 131 FZJ 141 ST62TIo JRC 022 JRC 082 PDIP20 PDIP28 PS020 ST62E20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 0043592 A P I ELEC TRO NICS * -JI& «ìì&a A p T ELECTRONICS POWER TRANSISTOR 13A0125 INC 13 INC T D E I 00435^5 QDD 01 SS 9 ¿.EL E C T R O M C S 1nc.>. E TYPE P02167, 5 AMP PNP SILICON PLANAR POWER TRANSISTORS .; " ' ‘ TO-5 - ’* ‘ . 80 MHz typical

    OCR Scan
    13A0125 P02167, D43Sc 000015b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 30 . 03.98 L H I 1448 • Twin Type Detector • Two Inter-Digitated Pairs • Equal Polarity Pairs 4.2 The twin detector is designed and suited for motion detection devices using intelligent signal processing to ensure better, and more reliable performance. Two inter-digitated pairs of sensing

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    S47kQ, T003320 000015b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Radiation Hardened 7025ERP High - Speed 8K x 16 Dual - Port Static RAM For Space Applications s El's 7025ERP RP for RADPAK high speed epitaxial CMOS microcircuit features a minimum 100 kilorad (Si) total dose tolerance. Using SEI's radiation hardened RAD-PAK® packaging technology, the 7025ERP is fully equivalent to Integrated

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    7025ERP 7025ERP IDT7025. 128K-bit 32-bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y v3 37E » SEUELAB LTD SEMELAB \jb T&- // BUP48 /gào NPN MULTI-EPITAXIAL TRANSISTOR Designed for high energy applications requiring robust fast switching devices M E C H A N IC A L D A T A D im e nsion s in mm FEATURES • lo w v«,., • FA ST SW ITCHING

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    BUP48 PDF


    Abstract: 25bcompatible
    Text: ptos AP9A415/16 Bold Italic = Enhanced Mode 512 x 18/1024 x 18 Synchronous CMOS FIFO Features • May be cascaded for increased depth or paralleled for • Fast access times: 20,25,35 ns increased width • Pin-compatible, drop-in replacements for • 16 mA I ql three-state outputs

    OCR Scan
    AP9A415/ IDT72215B/25B LH542015/25 AP9A415-20PC AP9A415-25PC AP9A415-35PC AP9A416-20PC AP9A416-25PC AP9A416-35PC 68-Pin AP9A416 25bcompatible PDF


    Abstract: NS16450 NS16C450 ST16C2450 ST16C2450CJ44 ST16C2450CP40 WD16C450 162450-RD-1
    Text: STARTECH ST16C2450 An 28? EX4RCompany Printed August 3, 1995 DUAL UNIVERSAL ASYNCHRONOUSRECEIVER/TRANSMITTER DESCRIPTION PLCC Package The ST16C2450 is a dual universal asynchronous receiverand transmitter. Independent programmable baud rate generators are provided to select transmit

    OCR Scan
    ST16C2450 ST16C2450 NS16C450 162450-RX-1 162450-TX-1 VL16C450 NS16450 ST16C2450CJ44 ST16C2450CP40 WD16C450 162450-RD-1 PDF

    4937 N RO 35

    Abstract: MB10 BRIDGE RECTIFIER diode p6000 diode p6000 j 1N4933 1N4934 1N4935 1N4936 1N4937
    Text: BIOTEC ELECTRONICS CORP SflE D • 2flim D 7 DD0D1S5 E lb « D I X DIOTEC ELECTRONICS CORP. 18020 Hobart Blvd., Unit B Gardena, CA 90248 Tel.: 310 767-1052 Fax: (310)767-7958 Data Sheet No.: FSDP-101-A 0 'S - 1 ! > 1 AMP FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODES VOLTAGE RANGE

    OCR Scan
    FSDP-101-A MIL-STD-202, DO-41 DB25/T DB25/W DB25P/T DB25P/W T0-220 O-247) 4937 N RO 35 MB10 BRIDGE RECTIFIER diode p6000 diode p6000 j 1N4933 1N4934 1N4935 1N4936 1N4937 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S TANDARD PRODUCT ISSUE 4, APRIL 1995 PMC-Sierra, Inc. • I Y 1 ^ _ PM 5312STTX SONET/SDH TRANSPORT TERMINATING TRANSCEIVER FEA TU R ES • Monolithic SONET/SDH Transport Overhead Terminating Transceiver for use in STS-1, STS-3 STM-1 , or STS-12 (STM-4) line interface applications.

    OCR Scan
    5312STTX STS-12 STS-12/STM-4 STS-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ptos AP9A415/16 Bold Italic = Enhanced Mode 512 x 18/1024 x 18 Synchronous CMOS FIFO Features • May be cascaded for increased depth or paralleled for • Fast access times: 20,25,35 ns increased width • Pin-compatible, drop-in replacements for • 16 mA I ql three-state outputs

    OCR Scan
    AP9A415/16 IDT72215B/25B LH542015/25 AP9A415-20PC AP9A415-25PC AP9A415-35PC AP9A416-20PC AP9A416-25PC AP9A416-35PC DS-00Q26-Revâ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: .100" Pin Strip Header Single Row Dual Insulator Pin Strip Headers 1 to 36 positions Standard .025" square posts .100" spacing between posts Dual insulation 3 board to board spacings TS-0546-01 Sheet 1 of 2 Physical Insulation Material: Flammability: Color:

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    TS-0546-01 QQ-N-290, MIL-G-45204, E68080 Electr-G-45204, T00Sm3 000015b PDF


    Abstract: ap6ke200 AP6KE350 AP6KE100 AP6KE10 AP6KE180 AP6KE300 AP6KE51 AP6KE AP6KE91
    Text: GLASS PASSIVATED JUNCTION TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSORS Devices for Bipolar Applications: For bidirectional use C or CA Suffix for types AP6KE6.8 thru types AP6KE400. Electrical characteristics apply in both directions. Maximum Ratings and Characteristics

    OCR Scan
    AP6KE400. 300ns. DO-15 USAT617-592-6090 AT617-592-0677 000015b AP6KE9.1 ap6ke200 AP6KE350 AP6KE100 AP6KE10 AP6KE180 AP6KE300 AP6KE51 AP6KE AP6KE91 PDF