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    TPS7H5001HFT/EM Texas Instruments Radiation-hardened, QMLV and QMLP 2-MHz dual-output PWM controller with synchronous rectification 22-CFP 25 to 25 Visit Texas Instruments

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    kw82 protocol

    Abstract: ABB masterpiece ABB MP200 bosch profi 67 ABB masterpiece 200 D-32825 EW-15 CORE ABB 07 kr 240 IX0640 07kt97
    Text: System Description Advant Controller 31 Intelligent Decentralized Automation System System Technology 90 Series In order to easier find the different documentations, they are separated by coloured paper sheets. System technology 90 series Colour of paper sheet at the

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    PURE 5001h

    Abstract: 5A/1/PURE 5001h
    Text: Preface sysWORXX CANopen I/O modules General description 1 Application planning 15 Mounting 17 Connecting 23 Configuring 33 Commissioning 51 Maintenance and service 55 57 Functions User Manual Document number: L-1070e_07 Error behavior and system messages

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    Abstract: STM8AH6166 5807h STM8AH61xx PURE 5001h 524CH 4801H 526Ch pm0044 5408H
    Text: STM8AF61xx STM8AH61xx Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 V to 5.5 V Features Core • Max fCPU: 16 MHz ■ Advanced STM8A core with Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline ■ Average 1.6 cycles/instruction resulting in 10

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    Abstract: STM8S207 526Ch STM8S 207 523Ah 5408H 5019h 5237h 5325h 7F77H
    Text: STM8S20xxx Performance line, 24 MHz STM8S 8-bit MCU, up to 128 Kbytes Flash, integrated EEPROM,10-bit ADC, timers, 2 UARTs, SPI, I²C, CAN Preliminary Data Features Core • Max fCPU: up to 24 MHz, 0 wait states @ fCPU≤16 MHz ■ Advanced STM8 core with Harvard

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    Abstract: pm0044 H6166 540ch LQFP32 LQFP48 STM8AF6168 STM8AH6126 bta85 STM8AH6166
    Text: STM8AF61xx STM8AH61xx Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 V to 5.5 V Features Core • Max fCPU: 16 MHz ■ Advanced STM8A core with Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline ■ Average 1.6 cycles/instruction resulting in 10

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    Abstract: pwm module stm8 H617 PM0047 UM0500 STM8AH61x PURE 5001h H5178
    Text: STM8AF61xx, STM8AH61xx STM8AF51xx, STM8AH51xx Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 128 Kbytes Flash, EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, CAN, USART, SPI, I2C, 3 V to 5.5 V Features Core • Max fCPU: 24 MHz ■ Advanced STM8A core with Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline

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    Abstract: stm8af h619 pm0044 PM0047 pwm module stm8 STM8AF61XX 5807h PURE 5001h LQFP32
    Text: STM8AF61xx, STM8H61xx STM8AF51xx, STM8AH51xx Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 128 Kbytes Flash, EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, CAN, USART, SPI, I2C, 3 V to 5.5 V Features Core • Max fCPU: 24 MHz ■ Advanced STM8A core with Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline

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    Abstract: STM8af6266 STM8AF6248 STM8AF6226 UM0500 pm0044 LQFP32 LQFP48 ssi 540ch i2c berr stm8
    Text: STM8AF622x/4x STM8AF6266/68 STM8AF612x/4x STM8AF6166/68 Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V Features Core • Max fCPU: 16 MHz ■ Advanced STM8A core with Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline

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    Abstract: STM8 CPU programming manual LQFP32 LQFP48 LQFP64 LQFP80 h619 UM05 arr41
    Text: STM8AF61xx, STM8AF51xx Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 128 Kbytes Flash, EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, CAN, USART, SPI, I2C, 3 V to 5.5 V Features • Core – Max fCPU: 24 MHz – Advanced STM8A core with Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline – Average 1.6 cycles/instruction resulting in

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    Text: STM8AF51xx STM8AF6169 STM8AF617x STM8AF618x STM8AF619x STM8AF61Ax Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 128 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, CAN, USART, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V Features • Core – Max fCPU: 24 MHz – Advanced STM8A core with Harvard

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    PURE 5001h

    Abstract: CNT120 STM8AH61xx pm0044 525Ah CCR315 tray 10x10 qfn STM8 CPU programming manual LQFP32 LQFP64
    Text: STM8AF61xx, STM8AF51xx Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 128 Kbytes Flash, EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, CAN, USART, SPI, I2C, 3 V to 5.5 V Features • Core – Max fCPU: 24 MHz – Advanced STM8A core with Harvard architecture and 3-stage pipeline – Average 1.6 cycles/instruction resulting in

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    Abstract: P6188 STM8AF52 STM8 CPU programming manual STM8AF5288 STM8AF62 STM8AF52A STM8AF6286 5808h PM0047
    Text: STM8AF52xx STM8AF6269/8x/Ax STM8AF51xx STM8AF6169/7x/8x/9x/Ax Automotive 8-bit MCU, with up to 128 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, 10-bit ADC, timers, LIN, CAN, USART, SPI, I2C, 3 to 5.5 V Features • Core – Max fCPU: 24 MHz – Advanced STM8A core with Harvard

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    PURE 5001h

    Abstract: C167CS-32FM C167CS flash C167 Bootstrap SYSCON external RAM C167CS-32F C167 Bootstrap SYSCON C165 Family memory organization siemens c167cs
    Text: 1998-07-27 @ 13:49 0LFURFRQWUROOHU 7DUJHW 6SHFLILFDWLRQ &&6 0 9  Confidential Semiconductor Group Author: W. Boening, HL DC PD MC Preliminary C167CS-32FM Target Specification 1998-07-27 @ 13:50 C167CS Revision / Newest Version:Target Specification / 2.Si.

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    Abstract: C166 C167 C167CS C167CS-4RM C167CS-LM C500
    Text: User’s Manual, V2.0, July 2000 C167CS Derivatives 16-Bit Single-Chip Microcontroller Microcontrollers N e v e r s t o p t h i n k i n g . Edition 2000-07 Published by Infineon Technologies AG, St.-Martin-Strasse 53, D-81541 München, Germany Infineon Technologies AG 2000.

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